
First test - Fail!

A project log for Case study: A polyphonic PIC18F music box

Does this work? An online article discusses about building this music box.

yh-workshopYH-workshop 11/04/2017 at 08:120 Comments

Okay, here is the first test, following the schematic given.

I have used the Analog Discovery 2 and applied the probe as it is shown in the diagram:

Ignore the microcontroller for now.

The square wave is configured at 200Hz, offset 1V and 1V amplitude.

For the switch, it is substituted by the channel 0 in the Analog Discovery 2.

The channel 0 is selected as Switch->Push-Pull.

And the output: (the 100nF capacitor is placed before the R3 which is not shown there)

Flicking the switch up and down doesn't do any effect. Believe me, nothing at all! But how did I managed to get it to work earlier? My fault for not jotting this down, and I'm going to probably recreate it (with a different resistor combination), or possibly ditch this design permanently.
