
HaD Prize 2014 Statistics (Unofficial)

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*Unofficial* statistics gathering for HaD Prize entries. If you come up with anything fun, leave a comment!

Raw number of entries as of 8:31 AM CST on 8/21/2014: 792

Number of entries containing a video link: 538

  - incidentally: only one Youku user : )

Number of entries with at least 4 project logs: 480

Number of entries with at least 4 project logs AND a video link: 445

Odds of project landing in quarterfinals (top 50): one in 8.9


Number of valid entries that didn't change the default photo: 6

Number of entries containing the word "Arduino": 249

Number of entries containing the word "Raspberry": 108

Number of entries containing the phrase "3D Printer": 47

Number of entries containing the phrase "555 Timer": 5

User boolean points out: "501 Projects tagged with "TheHackadayPrize""


YouTube playlists of HaD entries.  Videos culled from entries with video link - some are not "contest entry" but just progress update, etc.  Split into four playlists because YouTube limits to 200 videos / playlist.

As noted by davedarko: "wow, so if every 445 put up a 2min video, this means 15hours of video material!"

14hrs, 50mins to be exact.


RoGeorge provided this insight:

"At the moment when the input data was sampled,
- there were 718 hackers with a total of 791 projects

- 1 hacker with 6 projects ( )
- 3 hackers with 4 projects each
- 10 hackers with 3 projects each
- 39 hackers with 2 projects each
- 665 hackers with 1 project each"


This chart shows submissions over time.  Orange line indicates projects which met requirements, while blue displays all submitted projects (so, obviously, orange < blue).

The final 7 days accounts for over a quarter of both submissions and valid entries:

Submissions (final week) = 259

Submissions (all other weeks) = 533

Valid Entries (final week) = 120

Valid Entries (all other weeks) = 325

The busiest day was Aug. 20, with 75 submissions (27 valid), although the best day for validated entries was Aug. 19 at 38.  Incidentally this reveals a discrepancy between time and time: 51 further submissions (13 valid) arrived on Aug. 21, the day after the deadline : )


Project Log statistics - this chart shows the number of project logs per project.  Most people posted either 0 or 4.

Average number of logs per project: 4.284 logs

Average, 0 excluded: 5.693 logs

Average, 4+ only: 6.765 logs

Top three bloggers:

* (44 log entries),

* (49 log entries), and

* (57 log entries!)


Thanks to user rawe, who provided this awesome chart tracking daily image uploads to over the past few months, along with significant dates!


Since there are tags on projects, there can also be tag statistics!  (Excluding "thehackadayprize" here, as it was by far the most common tag).  Tag cloud from the list of valid entries.  You guys with completed projects are way ahead of the game.

Top 20 tags, with number of uses:

28 ARM
19 LED
18 IOT
18 AVR
12 CNC

1,220 tags were used only once.  Some personal favorites...

"#SoMuchSpace", "Canada Eh?", "Cthulhu", "DidIMentionAwesome?", "Earl Grey Tea", "For the good of all of us" / "Except the ones who are dead", "Gizmo for You", "High Likelihood of Crashing", "Mind Control", "NOT Arduino", "Pee" / "Poo", "Purple Monkey Dishwasher", "SimpsonsDidIt", "Space Jellyfish", "SPAAAAACE", "SPAAAAAAAACE".

True to Hackaday spirit, only one person mentioned SAFETY.


Complete list of valid entries (note: excludes qualifier for "system diagram", so may be inflated). ...

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jody998seeber wrote 12/02/2024 at 09:27 point

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AnanasovijSirop228 wrote 06/24/2024 at 18:03 point

вы добавляли изменения?

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smith76432 wrote 06/22/2023 at 04:50 point


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Benchoff wrote 08/26/2014 at 10:07 point
Any thoughts on plotting the occurrence of 'Arduino', 'Raspberry', 'educational', 'home automation', and other tags *as a function of something*?

I'd love to see keywords vs. number of project logs, project creation date, and probably a bunch of other variables.

Oh, here's another thing: if you were to do tags vs. quarterfinal / voter lottery selection, it would be two-tailed if you're trying to suss out any bias against a keyword, right?

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Ed0 wrote 08/25/2014 at 23:13 point
Here is a another view of the data - plotting skulls vs entry order and indicating semifinalists (and valid entries from your data)
With code if anyone wants it, public domain

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Blecky wrote 08/26/2014 at 01:51 point
I wonder how of the finalist projects were featured on Quite a lot of them were.

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Benchoff wrote 08/26/2014 at 10:09 point
@Blecky: 14 projects that made the quarterfinals were featured, 7 project creators that made it had a 'hacker bio', and ChipWhisperer had two posts, only because we ran into him at Defcon.

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Blecky wrote 08/26/2014 at 18:33 point
Cool, thanks Brian!

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Michael O'Brien wrote 08/26/2014 at 21:42 point
I'm one oddball that got an article but did not make the cut. D-DAQ will live in though.

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zakqwy wrote 08/26/2014 at 22:52 point
Glad to hear it, it's a great project! I hope to get my hands on a tdi at some point, so i plan to follow your progress closely.

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zakqwy wrote 08/25/2014 at 13:55 point
Has time slowed to a stop for anyone else? The anticipation of today's announcement is too much to handle.

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davedarko wrote 08/25/2014 at 21:22 point
I've looked for GimbalBot, reactron overdrive and my stuff :( I feel sad and relieved.

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zakqwy wrote 08/25/2014 at 23:01 point
Sad and relieved describes my afternoon well. I appreciate the vote of confidence, Dave. My project has a new tag: #ExternalMotivationDeemedUnnecessary

Don't stop just because you didn't make the cut, people! Finish the project because it's awesome, not because of some prize!

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davedarko wrote 08/25/2014 at 23:25 point
I think I go with #badmotivator, #hackanay or #astronot ... I still want to see the GimbalBot fly, and I'm pretty sure it will :) As for my projects, I have to focus on my work, all this refreshing and reading and procrastinating on them... I have to make them a weekend thing again.

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Blecky wrote 08/26/2014 at 01:12 point
#astronot done. Let's make this a thing!
Maybe we should get shirts made up.

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zakqwy wrote 08/26/2014 at 03:20 point
Yup, i'll do #astronot! Very nice.

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PointyOintment wrote 08/26/2014 at 05:45 point
Sad and relieved here too, though sad more for all of your projects than mine, because I knew I entered mine too late for them to have a good shot. I was actually surprised by a few that did make it because I didn't think they were very connected, but I guess the judges liked other things about them. (GimbalBot is far more connected than Goliath, IMHO, though Goliath is more physically awe-inspiring.)

#astronot? Sure, I like that. Added.

On the other hand, we'll all be getting consolation prizes:
"UPDATE: I forgot to mention… those hundreds of other prizes that we’ve been mentioning all along will be awarded to all of the entries. If you officially submitted your project before the deadline you will be rewarded for being a Quarterfinalist. Watch for a post later in the week about exactly what and how we’ll be getting it to you. We just need to make sure we have the logistics sorted out before giving out the details. Thanks!"

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Christoph wrote 08/23/2014 at 18:33 point
"True to Hackaday spirit, only one person mentioned SAFETY."

That really made me laugh! Good catch!

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connorwood71 wrote 08/23/2014 at 11:07 point
For the number of hackers listed in these statistics, is it just the project maintainers who are considered, or are several people considered for one project, if they are listed as collaborators?

Also, we have the statistics for the number of projects per hacker, what are the statistics for the number of hackers per project?

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DigiGram wrote 08/23/2014 at 11:00 point
All of the valid project lists here only lists the project ID. I like names too. Actually found a few cool projects by judging the name :D

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/23/2014 at 17:24 point
This is a great addition! Also, it motivated me to add number of projects containing the words "arduino", "raspberry", and of course "555 timer" : )

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davedarko wrote 08/23/2014 at 17:30 point
Is it legitimate to change arduino to "popular avr dev board" to distract the haters? :D

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davedarko wrote 08/23/2014 at 17:32 point
home automation and IoT seem to be good ones, too.

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/23/2014 at 18:15 point
Added a tag cloud and some tag statistics : )

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davedarko wrote 08/23/2014 at 18:23 point

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zakqwy wrote 08/23/2014 at 00:11 point
Ridiculous to see how many project logs some folks have up there. Totally unnecessary.

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davedarko wrote 08/23/2014 at 09:12 point
Some split their logs into many parts - i've seen one even do up to 6 parts.

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davedarko wrote 08/23/2014 at 09:27 point
I hardly believe irony works in comments :(

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PointyOintment wrote 08/22/2014 at 05:57 point
Here is the list of valid entries, sorted and made into a stem-and-leaf display (thanks, Mrs. Macleod!) with intervals of 100:

I just used the Python interpreter to sort (after Wolfram|Alpha, as usual, failed to understand what I wanted) and separated the intervals and padded the short entries by hand.

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Michael O'Brien wrote 08/22/2014 at 23:39 point
Same list, though without leading 0's and in the same format listed in the details.

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PointyOintment wrote 08/22/2014 at 05:24 point
> The busiest day was Aug. 20, with 75 submissions (27 valid), although the best day for validated entries was Aug. 19 at 38. Incidentally this reveals a discrepancy between time and time: 51 further submissions (13 valid) arrived on Aug. 21, the day after the deadline : )

Interesting. I went by the official rules, which state that the deadline was August 20th 23:50 PDT. I actually was going to enter my third project too, but when the deadline came I needed about 5 more minutes to post my log entries and details, so I gave up on that (temporarily; the project will still proceed, though not in a hurry). I did try opening the entry form after the deadline and it didn't complain, but I imagine it would have been disqualified if I had entered it then.

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Blecky wrote 08/22/2014 at 00:03 point
Now you just need a crowdsourcing page that get people to check profiles and "vote" if they meet the other criteria or not (and possibly for the next rounds).

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 08/21/2014 at 20:38 point
My project in the list, so cool. Thanks! good idea & very useful project!

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 20:23 point
I think the miss match is some kind of technical problem.

For the moving project, the hacker name that disappeared from the last count was "". My best guess is that this is not a real hacker name, but just a temporary used name, maintained by HaD because of some technical reasons.

The moving project reappeared to an already registered hacker.
So now, there are 40 hackers with 2 projects each.

Thanks and Skull for the chart.
Very useful.

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doug.leppard wrote 08/23/2014 at 02:02 point
I had the same problem when the simpler 1 2 3 emails came out I forgot about the details and thus in my video I had Hackaday Prize not TheHackadayPrize.

Bummer partly my fault for following the 1 2 3 not the details.

It still has been a good journey

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boolean wrote 08/21/2014 at 20:17 point
"501 Projects tagged with "TheHackadayPrize""

Something seems off.

It's kind of obvious from this graph that the submission instructions for valid projects were not clear. I got duped by the 1-2-3.

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Blecky wrote 08/21/2014 at 23:58 point
It was definitely clearer than the original requirements. I think a lot of people complained early on so they defined it better. They even changed the deadline to be a few weeks later to compensate.
Easy mistake to make, but it always pays to read the details. Have fun at burning man at least!

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:55 point
Just counted the projects/hackers again about a half an hour ago.
One project changed its owner, and one hacker disappeared.

Now, there are the same 791 projects, but only 717 hackers.

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:57 point
How funny. There were 792 entries when I pulled the list this morning, but now there are only 791. Unofficial statistics, indeed : )

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:40 point
what about published on weekday xy? I noticed that the weekends weren't that busy but tuesdays and thursdays.

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 21:37 point
I also wonder how many projects have this kind of picture: background-image:url(/img/placeholder.png)

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/22/2014 at 01:49 point
To answer your second question: six of the valid entries
(1439, 2577, 2617, 2640, 2784, 2813)

...and 76 of all the total submissions!

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/23/2014 at 00:05 point
Added a chart for your first request : )

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RoGeorge wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:05 point
I promised a few comment ago to post my results. The input data is from the Web page named "Official Hackaday Prize Entries",

At the moment when the input data was sampled,
- there were 718 hackers with a total of 791 projects

- 1 hacker with 6 projects
- 3 hackers with 4 projects each
- 10 hackers with 3 projects each
- 39 hackers with 2 projects each
- 665 hackers with 1 project each

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Greg Kennedy wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:18 point
Thanks for that, I quoted you in the description : )

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:39 point
in case anyone else wondered who the number one hacker is

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zakqwy wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:49 point
wowsers, 6 projects!

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davedarko wrote 08/21/2014 at 19:57 point
I'm one of 39... it just happened...

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RoGeorge wrote 08/23/2014 at 08:14 point
At the last count some numbers changes:
717 hackers instead of 718
40 hackers with 2 projects each, instead of 39

Thanks for quoting!

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PointyOintment wrote 08/21/2014 at 18:10 point
Also, how many entries have repository links?

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