As happens with custom footprints, sometimes you mess 'em up. That was definitely the case for my v1.0 of the board. I somehow managed to create the SOT523 part backwards, having created a drawing of these already-way-too-tiny parts not realizing the datasheet said "Bottom View". I also whined about it extensively on my podcast and on Twitter, so I shan't do the same here.

I figured this out after building 8 boards for prototyping and then not getting them to power up properly.
But wait, you say, why wouldn't it power up? Weren't the SOT523 parts included for doing level translation?
Well, my friend, the messiness of this first proto didn't stop there. I also managed to swap the pins in the schematic for a 2n3904. This was actually more of an issue that KiCad offers so many darn versions of the part:

And also that I ignored convention. For some reason my brain didn't think to check the normal pin ordering convention for NPN transistors.
This mea culpa is being posted because I'm continuing on and the v1.1 boards will be here later this week. I shall assemble them and figure out other stuff i've mixed up then.
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upside-down soldering time!!
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Yeah! Or I can just ship you my boards, oh great wizard of bodgery?
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send 'em my way buddy, always happy to help!
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