
What I want in a business card

A project log for Business Card Gamepad

Bussines Card with PC interface via Micro USB Type B PCB connector that acts like a gamepad. USB connectors for FREE!!!

juan-jesusjuan jesus 12/12/2017 at 21:410 Comments

Features i'm looking for:

And with those features in mind, I designed my business card.


i had some ideas. First, i wanted to use it as a memory storage device to store my CV, but Mathiew Stephan already did a nice work with the two versions of his business card. So not to leave the innovation aside, I wanted to make something different. I was between two ideas, in one hand I wanted to use it as a USB midi device (a piano was my first approach) and in the other hand a gamepad controller. Gamepad sound a lot cooler, so we have the use! 


I'm not a very good designer, but as the quote I wrote before, i tried to focus on the simplicity and the usefulness of the card.


The most difficult part. Luckily for me this project started not only because I wanted my own business card, but also because I have an idea of a USB PCB connector. So my contribution to the world is a new type of PCB connector. Free connectors for everyone! 


One microcontroller, one crystal (needed for the USB timing), ten passive components, a PCB. USB PCB connector: free, PCB touch buttons: free. Can it be cheaper?, maybe, but not much more. 


 0.6 mm looks thick to you? most RFID cards are 0.8mm ;). Due to the USB micro B PCB connector it uses, the thickness of the PCB must be 0.6 mm to assure a good fit of the plug, that makes a very thin card. Is true that you need to account also the thickness of the components once soldered to the PCB, that makes the card a little bit thicker, but hey!, is a 1 mm gamepad, what more do you need?


Gamepad... in your wallet... When your wallet gets stolen on the way to work, you are going to be sad, not for the money, or the photos of your family, you are gonna be sad because today you are not going to be able play old video games when your boss is not looking :_(.


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