
Test 5v-12v level shifter

A project log for IN-12A Nixie Clock Project

Make a clock with IN-12A nixie tubes.

ho-juneho june 12/15/2017 at 09:171 Comment

My HV5622 serial-to-parallel converter's recommended operating voltage is 10.8v to 13.2v. I wanted to use 12V logic on it, but my MCU uses 5v logic. So I used a MOSFET-based level shifter(The circuit based on this site).

I tested the circuit in my breadboard. The 5v logic connected to the switch(Don't let a pin floating in logic low!) and the 12v logic connected to the multimeter.

That's great!
And I'm doing PCB design of my nixie clock's main board these days.


smartroad wrote 05/25/2019 at 06:19 point

Forgive my ignorance but is this design bidirectional? Does a voltage on either side activate the opposite side?

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