
IN-12A Nixie Clock Main Board PCB

A project log for IN-12A Nixie Clock Project

Make a clock with IN-12A nixie tubes.

ho-juneho june 12/20/2017 at 14:130 Comments

I've finished checking the PCB of my nixie clock's main board. The size of it is 180mm x 50mm. Isn't it small enough to make a desk clock? I have made modifications to the packages of the libraries in Eagle, making it easier to solder the PCB. (Especially I'm beginner in SMD parts soldering) The HV5622 is placed on the bottom side to simplify routing.

 I uploaded the completed board file. If I place an order with the PCB manufacturer, I can receive it after one week. In the meantime, I'll try to develop "Nixie Board" and SMPS. (And I'll order some kinds of overseas stock parts in advance.)
