
Waiting for PCBs

A project log for NeoPixel Clock Mini

A LED digital clock with multicolor flair

michael-furtakMichael Furtak 12/31/2017 at 20:310 Comments

While I'm waiting for the PCBs to be manufactured and delivered, I've gotten some breadboard-friendly NeoPixels onto some breadboards. 

This configuration should match the PCB design for a single digit, so I can start to write some code against it with the Arduino.

The above is just running a slightly modified version of the strand test sample code, while the below starts to exercise the LEDs as a seven-segment display. 

In a short program loop, it displays all of the numbers from 0 to 9 (and blank). It can be a bit tough to visualize without the segment shapes to help, but zero (all segments lit except the center) and eight (all segments lit) are good reference points to follow the sequence from. A slow color cycle is also happening as the digits change.
