Hacked a CRT Driver Circuit.
09/18/2014 at 00:35 • 0 commentsOkay so I hacked a CRT driver circuit to run just the blue gun and sorted the Yoke wires out so the display is right. There you have it Asteroids on a 9" TV in Blue :)
Preliminary Testing Shows Deflection PCB Works Great
09/17/2014 at 01:11 • 0 commentsOkay so I have the deflection PCB all assembled and broke out the space duel pcb that I bought on ebay as working only to find it was resetting and not working.. DOH. So I broke out the Asteroids PCB I bought on ebay as non working.. It works 90% so good enough for now. I will repair these pcb's when I get a chance. I really wanted to test out the deflection. The china 24V power supplies came in and they seem to power everything just fine. As you can see from the pictures I have a display on a 9" TV. The deflection is working perfectly. There is no control of any of the CRT guns so you see all the lines drawn on the display. Even though it appears to look bad right now this is a major step forward. I now need to design a high voltage circuit. I think I am going to use a reproduction wells gardner 6100 flyback. So thats on hold until I can get a few bucks to buy one. I also need to design or redesign the CRT gun driver.
China 24v Power supplies
On the O-Scope
On the TV CRT. Notice I took the picture upside down as the yoke needs the wires swapped . Just wanted to get a picture on it tonight and make sure the deflection was working so I can move on to the High Voltage.
UPDATE My Deflection PCB is all assembled.
09/12/2014 at 20:55 • 1 commentMy deflection pcb is all assembled. I am waiting for two 24V dc power supplies I ordered to come in. They should be here any day. I will use them to power the deflection pcb. Someone asked about the turns on the yoke. I used 92 turns per side as a starting point. The vectrex uses 120 turns and the atari wg6100 uses 93 or so turns. I started with 92 to see how it works. I have a good design for a high voltage power supply, but I may use a replacement wg6100 flyback, design something similar to the wg6100 and run the high voltage off from the two 24v power supplies as well. Someone said that they wanted to remake the ZVG email me. Fredkono@gmail.com Also After these Deflection PCB's are tested and ran for reliability I plan to sell a couple if anyone is interested.
Yoke Rewind
09/01/2014 at 19:26 • 6 commentsThis is the 9" color TV with the chassis removed.
Yoke Removed. I used the heat gun to loosen up the glue on it.
Yoke disassembly.
#24 wire ready for its new home.
92 Turns each side.
The yoke put back together. I used hot glue to hold the parts like the old glue did.
08/29/2014 at 00:26 • 0 commentsI found a 9" crt TV at the Goodwill for $7.00. Next will be rewinding the Yoke.
Deflection PCB's are in.
08/26/2014 at 16:29 • 1 commentI ordered 10 pcbs from China and they are in . They turned out good and seem to be very high quality. They are 10 cm X 10 cm. I designed the PCB to take 2 kinds of power resistors and actually found the NI 10 Watt resistors for a good price so I used them. The circuit is a loose copy of the Amplifone with the WG6100's spot kill circuit. I used Tip35C and Tip36C transistors for the outputs and Tip31C and Tip32C's replaced some older transistors. I am still waiting for some more parts to arrive so that I can start to test these.