
The State of KiCad Hack Chat Transcript 2/2

A event log for The State of KiCad

Wayne Stambaugh from KiCad joins us to discuss upcoming plans and features for 2018

shaynaShayna 01/05/2018 at 21:070 Comments

John T Eaton :can we add fpga/asic pin swapping to V6?

Wayne Stambaugh : @Chris Pavlina I could use some more full throttle help!

Chris Pavlina : sadly, day job :(

Sophi Kravitz : HEY EVERYONE

Garrett Mace : What up

Frank Buss : aww, you mean pin swap and gate swap is still not in v5?

Sophi Kravitz : Talk about Autorouting in the comments please, we'll do a chat just about that later

Chris Pavlina : lol

Sophi Kravitz : give @Wayne Stambaugh a chance to answer the backlog of questions

Linux HA : @Sophi Kravitz +1

Garrett Mace : 🤐

Sophi Kravitz : I see Garrett giving me a -1

Sophi Kravitz : ;)

Wayne Stambaugh : I wasn't even aware of @Dave Vandenbout's python tool. Sounds interesting. Hopefully we will get the schematic editor code swigged out to python for v6.

Chris Pavlina : oh god not more swig

Chris Pavlina : anything but more swig

Chris Pavlina : aaaaanything

todbot : heh

rene poeschl : lol

Ashlyn Black : @Wayne Stambaugh You mean the ability to remap the pins on eeschema symbols, ie so you can have a generic device symbol and then choose the specific device footprint at pcbnew?

Wayne Stambaugh : If not swig, I'm open to suggestion but I do want to get python support for the schematic edit an it's what I know.\

Wayne Stambaugh : @Ashlyn Black yes

Ashlyn BlackWOO

Garrett Mace : python in the user interface loop makes me sad, but i guess we have the CPU for it now

Chris Pavlina : I'm kinda kidding, and that's not really a discussion for _here_ I don't think. I think swig is a very poor solution to what we want, but beggars can't be choosers and all that

Sophi Kravitz : Wayne, are you ready for a new question?

Frank Buss :

Frank Buss : I used global labels to kind of faked pinswap, it works but native support would be so much better

Wayne Stambaugh : @Sophi Kravitz sure but I'm sure I missed some as the feed goes flying by

Sophi Kravitz : haha ok...

Sophi Kravitz : next question is from @Gerben Concerning OpenGL Canvas and Default Canvas in PCBnew. Why are they so different from one another? Some keyboard shortcuts are different. E.g. pressing delete on a trace segment in Default mode will remove the entire trace, while in OpenGL mode it only deletes the segment.

Both of them seem to have features that the other one doesn't. It's like having two distinct EDA. Is there a plan to merge them, or deprecate one of them?

NikiSchlifke : @Wayne Stambaugh

>Hopefully we will get the schematic editor code swigged out to python for v6.

You mean proper use of the schematic editor as a python library alas ``` from KiCad import schematic ```

Wayne Stambaugh : @Gerben the opengl/cairo canvas uses a different tool framework which causes some of the differences in behavior. There will be far less difference between the two for the version 5 release. The opengl canvas will be feature complete before the legacy canvas is removed.

Sophi Kravitz : combined questions from @W5VO and @Ashlyn Black: Deleting traces (or partial segments of traces) in OpenGL is painful since a bunch of little segments get created near pins - Are there plans to improve little things in the manual routing experience like this?

Ashlyn Black : ^ I didn't realise it deleted the whole trace in non-OpenGL mode

Wayne Stambaugh : The partial segment inside a pad boundary issue bug was just fixed a day or two ago.

Ashlyn Black : Aw yissss

Twisted Pair in my Hair : Good to know

Ashlyn Black : Amazing work

Twisted Pair in my Hair : It was annoying

Jordi Orlando : WOO!

Sophi Kravitz : We're almost at the last question from the comments! This one is from @Twisted Pair in my Hair : Will the support for hatched copper polygons be added? Is it on the roadmap?

Chris Pavlina : ooh, someone complained about the track crumbs? that's oooool, I've been dealing with that since I started using kicad

Chris Pavlina : I was so happy to see it fixed

Wayne Stambaugh : We are doing are best to make v5 the best KiCad version yet.

riktw : track crumbs fixed, whooo :D

Frank Buss : I think there is a voting option for which bugs should be fixed first

Mathieu Stephan : btw does kicad now recognize 2 aligned segments? it's impossible to drag those

aloismbutura : Yes! Segment in pad fixed :D

Wayne Stambaugh : Hatched copper fills is on the v6 road map.

Mathieu Stephan : oh that's the one

Mathieu Stephan : awesome

Sophi Kravitz : question from @Hari Wiguna : I'm a KiCAD n00b. How do I tell KiCAD to stop asking me what I want to move? 99% of the time I want to move the whole footprint with reference, text, and etc. Thanks!

Twisted Pair in my Hair : Cool! Thank you for your answers

Chris Pavlina : @Hari Wiguna I'll answer that, I've got some experience using it on pretty dense boards. I strongly recommend pressing H to enter high contrast mode, then it'll highlight the selected layer and only let you work on that

Chris Pavlina : it's absolutely essential for dense layouts IMO

Wayne Stambaugh : The dismabiguation is always an issue. I the future we may look at improving the heuristics for this but it wont happen in v5.

W5VO : That's good to know, selecting the right thing can be really painful at times

rene poeschl : @Hari Wiguna also the open gl canvas is a bit better with regards to that then legacy

Linux HA : @Chris Pavlina thnx! Didn't know that

Chris Pavlina : there are still some selection annoyances to be fair, sometimes it makes me want to tear my hair out

Michal : there was a bug regarding the disambiguation, i've been notified that it was fixed not that long time ago

Wayne Stambaugh : The gal canvases have slightly improved heuristics than the legacy canvas.

Chris Pavlina : so I can't claim to have the solution to everything, but high contrast mode _really_ helps

Ashlyn Black@min there is a good KiCAD tutorial series on YouTube by Contextual Electronics, called "Getting to Blinky 4.0"

Chris Pavlina : @Wayne Stambaugh my experience is that GAL is way too likely to decide it KNOWS what you want and not even offer the disambig. it's too often wrong

Chris Pavlina : and when it does that there's no real way to say "nope, I meant _that_"

Garrett Mace : I like tool->pick-pick-pick behavior for many action, rather than pick->tool, pick->tool, pick->tool

W5VO : Or a selection filter

Sophi Kravitz : We're about at the end of our time here, everyone is welcome to stay and commence autorouting conversation

Chris Pavlina : selection filter would be nice.

villains : @min This course on Udemy is very good:

min : thx! :)

Sophi Kravitz : but I wanted to say thank you to @Wayne Stambaugh for hosting! and of course come back again anytime

Hari Wiguna : @Chris Pavlina , thanks, I will try that.

Wayne Stambaugh : The gal heuristics definitely need to be looked at. It's a double edge sword. Some users love it and some users hate it.

Sophi Kravitz : and thank you to @Chris Pavlina

Sophi Kravitz : there's a lot of good information in the comments:

Wayne Stambaugh : @Sophi Kravitz thank you for the invite and thank you everyone joining in the conversation.


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