Server-Client architecture is a network architecture which separates devices and application programs into two categories clients and servers to better employ available computing resources and share data processing loads. Initially, client uses the network as a way to connect and then sends a request. The server will take the request and makes sure that the request is valid. If valid it fetches the request and serves the client.
In this project, TCP is used. Transmission Control Protocol or TCP is responsible for providing a reliable communications between hosts and processors on different hosts, it manages message acknowledgment and retransmissions in case of lost parts. Thus there is absolutely no missing data. In TCP, data can be sent bidirectional.
uCAM-II is an integrated serial camera module. This is attached to the server 4duino as its host to enable image capturing feature of this project. This module uses a CMOS VGA colour sensor along with JPEG compression chip. This camera uses a simple serial protocol. Please refer to uCAM-II Demo which shows how to interface 4duino to uCAM-II and capture jpeg images then store it in the uSD card.