For this project, I just want to have a mushroom going to the left, then to the right, then to the left ,etc. I don't want have features creeping until I have a remotely controlled RC mushroom with openCV and Node JS that takes one minute to boot ;-)
I'm using a single very small motor, but even if it is very small, I still need to use a H-bridge to power it, because I need to reverse the polarity applied to the motor if I want to change direction, I can't do that with transistors alone. I was not very familiar with H-Bridge, here is an illustration explaining how it works and how the current flows in one direction or the other
As I had very little room in the mushroom, I ordered a ready made H bridge, it was supposedly a L298N, but I can't read what's written on the chip. I used an ATtiny85 to control it, so the schematic is pretty simple :
You really did a great job electric handle program object. I want to embed it with my webpage you can see here