

A project log for Obsidian

Hacking MorningStar

morningstarMorning.Star 02/28/2018 at 12:551 Comment

Utterly brilliant. I honestly can not make up the catalogue of complete and utter stupidity that runs through my life. Not much of it mine either, I have to say. Some of my decisions were questionable lol.

It seems that at every major turning point, there's been a balls-up. Feels like I'm on Candid Camera, so long now I've lost any paranoia I might have had. One of the psychological team from before explained it so;

noun: paranoia
a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.

synonyms:persecution complex, delusions, obsession, megalomania, monomania;

unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people.

I dont know about a persecution complex, I have been bullied rather a lot and six inches of sharp Sheffield steel would make anyone nervous in the wrong hands. Thats no delusion, nor was losing everything I had. And as for my inconveniently bulging portfolio... To fake that lot would require even more skill than producing it, and an extensive team of secret collaborators willing to work without credit or payment.

Would the real Slim Shady please stand up?

Now, if I were schizophrenic then I'd have the most profound personality split in history. An artist, a musician, a mathematician, a designer-engineer and a computer programmer all arguing with each other in one skull? Each gifted enough in their own right to be egoists. That would be an interesting conversation I'm sure. Enough to drive a bloke totally bat-shit crazy. He'd talk to himself in conversation with others, refer to himself in third person and be unable to function properly. He would not be able to care for himself, let alone be responsible for another human being.

I cant argue over the obsessions. So I'm obsessive? I can live with that...

Narcotics and alcohol. Yeah sure. If I knew about a drug that gave me my superpowers I'd share it with you lot for starters. Think about it, if I wanted to take over the world an army of super-nerds is exactly what I'd choose to do it with. Reality: If I didnt get off my face every now and then there would indeed be something wrong with me.

Megalomania. Yeah, I'll just tiptoe past that one and not wake it up either. Any dreams of grandeur I may ever have entertained are long gone.

By definition I dont have Monomania, unless you count Holism.

And as for an unjustified suspicion, I have evidence, and disclosure is not the action of a man terrified of consequence.

Why am I analysing all this?

Well, I uncovered more tentacles, thats why. For the last three years, as a carer, I've been entitled to funding for things like holidays. Its called the Carer Wellbeing Fund, and any full-time carer can apply for a grant of up to £300 annually. Needless to say, I'd never heard of it. Despite it being the social worker's job to signpost things like this for me, it's taken him until now to put me in touch with Carer's Support who administrate it.

Worse, their records indicated I am an ex-carer, a result of the above accusations, which is why they have not contacted me in all this time. More denial of service; social services provided them with that horse-shit in the first place, and Carers Support were more than happy to clean that up. In fact, I'm being given VIP treatment because there is little else they can do but give me a big hug. And a holiday. Thank you :-)

One wonders how many other tails this snake has.

Typically, I ran into more stonewalling over my dox. Un-fucking-believable. For starters they gleefully forwarded me a link to an application form. Yeah, they charge for information they hold on you without your knowledge or permission like the thieves they are, and they spread it over so many departments that getting hold of it costs a fortune. Each request has a £10 charge on it, and its a useful way of making money for them. This is reprehensible, its like FaceBook charging you a tenner every time you read your wall because you didnt open the account.

It is illegal to falsify records, and to store and distribute false information. Add libel to the list of offences that would be addressed in court if I litigated.

  1. I dont want to see my records, the social worker does, I'm not paying for that information.
  2. I'm correcting the information held. Its under investigation, and under transparency laws thats done openly.

And they want photo ID from me to access it.

Here's another interesting fact about me. My name isnt Jez, even though thats the name on all my identity. Bank, hospital, local authority, everything except my birth registration is effectively a legal fake ID. That came about because the year I turned 16, National Insurance started issuing plastic ID cards. In keeping with the myopic bureaucracy of the time, they sent out forms to school leavers and asked them for their names and addresses, dates of birth etc . I hated my given name, and wrote Jez on it instead. Then when I turned 18, that card authorised my entire adult life. I've never had a full passport, my driving license pre-dated photo ID by decades, and I've never applied for a photo ID anywhere.

Now I come to apply for one, I cant. It requires my birth certificate or deed poll document, which I dont have. I'm not alone in this, there must be hundreds of people who got early NI cards, before they started asking the individuals to verify instead of supply their ID.

Whats interesting is it will likely cost me less to change my name by deed poll, than request and correct all the records myself, at £10 a throw.

Probably worth it so I dont have to refer to MorningStar in third person. Its pissing me off. ;-)


Dr. Cockroach wrote 02/28/2018 at 13:18 point

Wow, keeps getting better and they keep getting deeper ;-)

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