It doesnt matter if your entire government is corrupt, and your PM even defies the Supreme Court in a vain effort to wrest control from his people. They still cant get away with it unless you let them.
And I'm not.

Brexit is a sham, but not for the reasons you'd think. Boris wants to use the opportunity of regaining the UK's lawmaking ability to consolidate Central Government's power over Parliament, who debate the laws ratified by the Supreme Court. He'd rather control rested in his fat and grubby hands. And if he has his way, we the people can say goodbye to the last shreds we have of our rights that are currently still protected by the
Which I am denied access to by our legal framework - which I am also denied access to by the changes made by this administration. I cannot get Legal Aid to take Local Authority to court for fraud and rights abuses against myself and my daughter, and I have had to fight tooth and nail just to get recognition from the various agencies within it that I am literally enslaved by these additions to our already broken system.
I've been spied on, lied to, defrauded of thousands of pounds and my daughter has been coersively institutionalised and injured by neglect more than once to hide these transgressions until they can be further marginalised in the wake of the new laws created by regaining control in the wake of Brexit.
Now they want me to defraud the benefits agency, claiming I am disabled by my daughters disabilities for the rest of my life because I am her carer - when they could in fact provide that care themselves. It IS law after all.
The whole case hinges on whether Bea has capacity to make her own decisions, a duty that has been accorded to me as a carer and advocate, however as I am not volunteering for this duty willingly that advocacy isnt recognised.
Enter Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding Team, a part of the Court of Protection.
This agency was engaged by Social Services in an attempt to get authorisation to keep Bea at a care home until recently - they gave consent for her to be detained and her freedoms restricted, and for decisions regarding medication and treatment to be made for her. They couldnt overrule me legally however, and were more than horrified to learn that they had trampled my rights by accident - they didnt know I existed, because Social Services lied to them. And now, having learned of the full story, are in the process of putting an application in to the Court of Protection to discuss the details of it in front of a Judge.
One of the things authorised by DoLs is medication. Bea's been placed on a contraceptive pill, which helps with her demeanour as well as prevents bleeding. She doesnt need contraception, and that was only done to make it easier for the carers to manage her personal care. She's about to run out of these pills and as a male I am not entitled to procure them for her. They literally wont give me them because I'm a bloke, and the care homes have been securing them for her during her Respite breaks with DoLs permission.
It was the only legal way Social Services could force me to continue caring myself - and now I have annexed DoLs that reign of terror is over. As soon as the course finishes I'll have to deal with her bleeding again, and I've already managed to establish this is a violation of human rights with the help of the police.
They have given me advocacy, which means that if I were to be forced to deal with this again I'd have the right to report each day's care schedule as an assault and cite the social worker as the abuser by proxy. Nasty, dirty, shitty interdepartmental war between two halves of our governments enforcement arm...
I called them and reminded them about the bomb ticking in Bea's knickers
And all hell broke loose.
So on Monday I now have a care agency visiting to negotiate Bea's care, and I can rest knowing that our legal system will mitigate the rights abuses. It wont get my money back off the infinitely corrupt District Council, and it probably means I will remain indefinitely on benefits supervising Bea's care so it isnt a major step forward, but it has broken the back of my enslavement.
I'd like to thank Boris for being a hugely amoral, overweight and narcissistic bigot [*censored], and MP Nick Herbert for doing absolutely fuck-all to help in this seeing as thats all my hard work. Round of applause, NOT.
I would like to thank @Dr. Cockroach for his support, which was genuine, in writing to my and his administrations with his views on the subject. Just that threat seemed to be enough to scare the authority into action seeing as the national papers are too busy giving Boris an audience.
At request from @Starhawk and my furry friends, here are some kittens.

They were delicious, thank you. Point taken. XD
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Take two kitten fillets and lay in an ovenproof dish with a large field mushroom
Layer with bacon and cheese and bake open for 20 minutes on Gas 5 / 375F / 190C
Smother with BBQ sauce and add an egg cracked into the end of the dish, and bake for a further 10 minutes.
Serve with a Rocket salad and crusty bread. Pairs nicely with a lively Pinotage or perhaps a Tempranillo, but best washed down with a Weissbier.
Hell is what one makes it my friends. ;-)
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Show no mercy dude..... And as for the kittens, Hunter style? ;-)
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Give em hell dude.
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