
Sabotage your own equipment...

A project log for Obsidian

Hacking MorningStar

morningstarMorning.Star 01/19/2018 at 10:232 Comments

Wait, what?

Nice one Bea. I sat her down a couple times over the last few days and tried hard to get her attention on the implications of what I'm doing on her behalf, what it will mean to her.

Like I said, its not determination or judgement she lacks, its an inability to communicate it back - if she will pay it any attention. She just shrugs at a lot of stuff, her way of saying its not important, or she's happy with the current paradigm. She usually is, I'd know about it if she wasnt, speaking from experience.

I tried to make her understand there would be changes because of what I was telling her, and asked her about the two options the social worker has given.

Lol, that was almost expected, she does not want to know about living somewhere else. Well he can strike that one off the list straight away then. I explained it would be a home like this home, and I'd come and see her there. Nope, that was too much, she wont go for that. Oh well then, but not a loss.

I also suggested someone coming here to help her, instead of Daddy. I didnt get much of a response to that to begin with either. She shrugged... Well thats a start then. A bit later I tried again, and she said 'sleep'.

Puzzling. That either means - in context - "I'm tired, time for bed" or "At bedtime", or "Respite", which she understands as sleeping there a few nights before coming home. Yes I told her, someone else might get her ready for bed instead of me. 'Sleep' she persisted. Later still I asked her again, and got the same, sleep. "What, you want them to live here and look after you?"... 'Sleep'

And then it dawned on me she was asking for me to find someone for us, not her. Bless her... She understands that the few girls who have been any use at all have been those that slept over, and a few of those would snuggle her duvet up against the bedbugs and the howling wind and wish her sleep tight until morning, brush stray hair off her forehead and kiss it goodnight. Like her father does...

Lord, a woman? I have grave reservations about that, in more than one sense. I'm not about to open myself up to that again. Nobody comes THAT close to losing a tentacle and ever forgets it, I need treatment to get around the emotional damage before I'll ever be comfortable again.

I can tell you another thing ladies, years of being told to 'piss off, nerd/freak/loser' really doesnt do much to help your case. This is going to be expensive and no mistake.

OK so Mr Social Worker, you really want a challenge? Find me a wife. That's what the little mare wants. And I wont find one on HackaDay or round my home town, obviously. They're not exactly knocking on my door. Nor will I find one living in this shithole, speaking of my door. Even paid leaflet droppers cant be bother to scale the steps, never mind for the love of it.

Oh he's going to enjoy this, or I will... I better phone him and break him the bad news.


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Dr. Cockroach wrote 01/19/2018 at 13:04 point

Now that is a bit of a shift in options...

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Morning.Star wrote 01/20/2018 at 08:02 point

It cramps my style is what it does my friend. I cant blame Bea for clinging to the only stable thing that's ever been there for for her in all her life though.

Her mother went mental and turned her back on her. Her sister ditched her for her cooler mates and then left with her boyfriend, never to be seen again. Her friends at the various places she's attended she never sees again - school, respite, daycare. Dragged screaming in tears and shut in a care home, not allowed to see even her dad. Kicked out of her home... Nobody much pays her the blindest bit of notice and half those that do call her names or speak to her like she's stupid.

I plait or braid 2 foot of her hair every day, maybe 1 or 2 of her regular carers even know how to brush out long hair, never mind plait it. They cut it so they could manage it while she was in care, taken 3 years to grow it out a bit since then, after 22 years.

Nobody really cares beyond pity, and that goes for me too. Most women think I'm a chauvinist pig because I'm not impressed by their idea of gender equality, but some things just are. It isnt a competition, and someone has to pick up the slack... I didnt learn all this to be better than anyone, I learned it because no other bugger could be bothered to lift a finger and I had to do it all myself.

Nothing ever changes, I've always set the standard I judge others by myself, and Bea's care is no exception. But I do draw the line at finding a woman just to suit her, she's chased off so many I like. It makes me angry, honestly, but it isnt Bea's fault and [anti]Social and [un]Caring [lack of]Services know full well it takes money and status, and a decent nest if you want a bird in it.

I dont do miracles my friend, and thats what this will take.

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