
Really Xilinx? Really?

A project log for Spartan-6 FPGA Hello World

My first FPGA project using Technolomaniac's board

mike-szczysMike Szczys 08/30/2014 at 15:180 Comments

This board has a Xilinx Spartan-6 on it. So in essence, when you buy a board you have already purchased the hardware from Xilinx. So it's nice to see they have a free IDE called Vivado.

But when you go to download it you get the shakedown about non-export and what your corporate address and application are. These are mandatory fields you must fill in before download the software. I haven't done a thing with the hardware yet and I already have a sour taste in my mouth.

IMPORTANT: Don't Install Vivado as Spartan-6 is not supported

Wow, Xilinx needs to work on presenting better information on their webpage. Below I documented how to install Vivado... their current generation software suite for their FPGAs.
Guess what? Vivado doesn't support Spartan-6. It only supports 7 Series, Zynq-7000, and UltraScale parts. For Spartan-6 you need to use End-of-Life Xilinx ISE Design Suite. I'm currently having fun watching the 6.8 GB install "Full Installer for Linux" creep along. Sheesh!

Getting the Vivado installer running on Ubuntu

Installer crashes on Ubuntu. This thread yields the following commands which are a workaround.

chmod +x Xilinx_Vivado_SDK_2014.2_0612_1_Lin64.bin
./Xilinx_Vivado_SDK_2014.2_0612_1_Lin64.bin --target Xilinx_Install_temp<br>
cd Xilinx_Install_temp

Now edit the xsetup file and replace "#!/bin/sh" with "#!/bin/bash"

sudo ./xsetup

Now the GUI setup window will launch. I didn't run as sudo the first time and a couple of screens in the GUI complains about write permisisons for /opt/Xilinx.

9.18 GB

Check that download size and disk space. I'm trying to blink and LED and I've got a 1.89 GB download standing in my way? Maybe this is commonplace for the FPGA crowd, but I'm a fan of programming for embedded using a text editor and makefile (okay, I do use Eclipse more regularly these days but you know what I'm talking about).

As I said above, this does me no good because I have a Spartan-6 I'm trying to work with. I'll post another log on how to install ISE Design Suite.
