This board has a Xilinx Spartan-6 on it. So in essence, when you buy a board you have already purchased the hardware from Xilinx. So it's nice to see they have a free IDE called Vivado.
But when you go to download it you get the shakedown about non-export and what your corporate address and application are. These are mandatory fields you must fill in before download the software. I haven't done a thing with the hardware yet and I already have a sour taste in my mouth.
IMPORTANT: Don't Install Vivado as Spartan-6 is not supported
Getting the Vivado installer running on Ubuntu
Installer crashes on Ubuntu. This thread yields the following commands which are a workaround.
chmod +x Xilinx_Vivado_SDK_2014.2_0612_1_Lin64.bin
./Xilinx_Vivado_SDK_2014.2_0612_1_Lin64.bin --target Xilinx_Install_temp<br>
cd Xilinx_Install_temp
Now edit the xsetup file and replace "#!/bin/sh" with "#!/bin/bash"
sudo ./xsetup
Now the GUI setup window will launch. I didn't run as sudo the first time and a couple of screens in the GUI complains about write permisisons for /opt/Xilinx.
9.18 GB
Check that download size and disk space. I'm trying to blink and LED and I've got a 1.89 GB download standing in my way? Maybe this is commonplace for the FPGA crowd, but I'm a fan of programming for embedded using a text editor and makefile (okay, I do use Eclipse more regularly these days but you know what I'm talking about).
As I said above, this does me no good because I have a Spartan-6 I'm trying to work with. I'll post another log on how to install ISE Design Suite.
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