
Statement of purpose

A project log for A Hacker's Wedding Centerpiece(s)

Im getting married :D. I've been put incharge of making the coolest* centerpieces ever! (*coolest acording to me)

bveinabveina 01/04/2018 at 19:090 Comments

I am getting married. now among other things we need centerpieces for the reception. I have a basic idea of what i want, a clear acrylic spire between 6-10 inches tall, under lit with RGB leds. they should blink in time with the band, its an 80's band. yes this is going to be awesome. i did a quick render in sketchup to refine the concept. at a minimum im looking at 100mm circular circuit boards with addressable leds, some kind of wireless modules so they can all stay in sync, and batteries, im leaning towards 2 18650 cells, then lots of laser cut acrylic.

in the rendering ive added a block for the batteries under the circuit board, and added a ring around the entire thing, succulents will be placed around the entire thing. next time i hope to have some acrylic cut.


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