The SC180 is a low-cost Z180 board for general-purpose use in STEbus systems. It has enough memory to run CP/M Plus. It has two counter/timers, two serial ports, two DMA units, a memory-management unit and an interrupt controller. The SC180 will act as the sole STEbus master in single-master systems or as a temporary master in larger systems with an external arbiter.
Two memory sockets are provided, for 512K RAMs or up to 512K ROMs. Because the Z180 has an on-chip MMU, these memory devices and STEbus memory can be relocated within the 1M byte addressing range of the Z180.
The two RS232 asynchronous serial channels can run at up to 38.4K baud and are fully programmable.
Up to five STEbus interrupts can be handled, and an STEbus Attention Request can be generated on one of four lines. A DMA request can be accepted on three lines.
Bus timeout, clock and reset function are provided. The Z180 is ideal for use both as a standalone CPU tor dedicated control applications, and as the CPU in a disk-based development system. Many software packages are available for the SC180, and it can run standard Z80 machine code.
Power consumption: 5V only.
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