
Sensor Modules Galore!!!!!!!!!!

A project log for HydroPWNics

An open source hydroponic garden control, monitoring, and grow system with cloud database and dashboard.

avrAVR 04/30/2015 at 06:160 Comments

Today is sort of a big update. After many hours of working and researching I have finished the prototype designs for both the analog and digital sensor modules. Originally I was going to have one sensor module that did both analog and digital with the idea being I would fabricate a lot of these and just keep adding as many as I needed. I decided to go the more modular route and have a digital sensing board and an analog one. The main new addition this post is the digital sensor board as the analog one was only revised. The digital board is essentially an I2C multiplexing node designed to interface with 4 I2C sensors, provide them with power, and poll/aggregate the data for transmission to the DyIO via UART. The idea is to use a pair of these modules per grow unit and use I2C humidity and temperature sensors. Working on the digital sensing board brought in many new features that are now on both the analog and digital sensor modules and will be standard with all future modules. The features introduced were a standard form factor with mounting holes (M3), separate power connector for 12VDC (Molex clip), Galvanic isolation of the UART signals on the MKL05 ARM CM0+, and a separate connector for UART serial (Molex clip). Without further do the digital sensor module :

Digital Sensor Module Rev 1

Digital Sensor Module Rev 1 3D Render

Digital Sensor Module Specs:

- MKL05Z16VFK4 ARM Cortex M0+ 48MHZ MCU

- 4 I2C Sensor Inputs with 3V3 DC Power

- On Board DCDC 3V3 regulator for 1A 3V3 DC Power

- ARM Cortex M JTAG Debug Connector

- 8 GPIO pins, power, ground Expansion connector (SPI signals included, some ADC too)

- Galvanic isolation

- M3 mounting holes

Updated Analog Sensor Module featuring same new standard features as the digital module:


- MKL05Z16VFK4 ARM Cortex M0+ 48MHZ MCU (QFN 24 Pin)

- 9 Analog Sensor Inputs with 3V3 DC Power

- On Board DCDC 3V3 regulator for 1A 3V3 DC Power

- ARM Cortex M JTAG Debug Connector

- Galvanic isolation

- M3 mounting holes

3D Render of new Analog Sensor Module

With these two modules designed I'm ready to start fabricating prototypes, I will probably get them done via OSHPark so I have a few of each to play with. Stay tuned for more updates, the next big board will be the UART multiplexer power dispatch module! Source and schematics (PDF) found at the following Github Repository:


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