Non Pneumatic Tire / Airless Tire (actually just the wheel), matching tire and hub attachment (for printing the wheel without supports). Several years ago I stumbled upon this video. I don't remember how I got to it, but it looked really interesting. a small search I found this site: and saw the Bridgestone tire. Simple enough to start with. So I started looking if there was something like that. I found a couple. The Highly Configurable Wheel (One Wheel To Rule Them All) by CodeCreations (fantastic wheel, but too many parameters) and the Parametric airless tire by tjhowse (great NPT implementation, but too few parameters) plus I wanted to learn OpenSCAD.
BasWheel v 2.00: Added tire_compatibility "rc1_10", added parameter rim_dxf, changed parameter names from dxf_filename to spoke_dxf and from spring_segments to spoke_segments, added spoke_type "Polaris_TerrainArmor"
BasWheel v 2.01: Added spoke_type "Hankook_NPT"
BasWheel v 2.02: Added spoke_type "segmented" and parameter spoke_angle. Fixed a bug with rim_type "barrel"