
MAKE: Portaberry Pi

A 3D - Printed Raspberry Pi Portable Gaming System

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Source: MAKE Magazine
The core the system is a 512 MB Raspberry Pi model B, attached to that is a Teensy 2.0 handling all of the buttons and joysticks. There is a 4.5 inch LCD screen as well as two tiny speakers. The entire thing runs for roughly 2 to 3 hours on a 9.6 volt NiMh battery pack. This is all encased in a custom designed 3D printed enclosure.

The author of the column (above) is Caleb Kraft and Community Editor at MAKE.

Over the past month decided to purchase the incredible MakerBot Replicator from the Boston operated MakerBot store right here in town. The productivity should now increase and any building that is required might only take one weekend to complete, setup, and fully operational.

This configuration is just of my own design the "stacked" Raspberry Pi Processor will also act as a small server. I'm probably gonna increase the processing speed over time, one usually is enough, but to get more productivity it might prove useful (especially working with 3D Printing and Gaming on the device...). I don't know if I can turn the 3D Printer into a D.I.Y. custom build it would save time just getting a basic model online. As an alternative use a larger screen with USB capability and all the extra built-in components.

  • 5 × 512 MB Raspberry Pi Model B Stacked Processor
  • 2 × 4.5" TFT Monitor Dedicated Programming and Gaming Screens
  • 3 × 9.6 Volt NiMh Battery Pack Power Source
  • 1 × Teensy 2.0 Custom Configuration
  • 2 × Mini Ohm Speakers (Mono) Or Stereo Headphone Jack

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  • MakerBot

    Darksider711/17/2014 at 19:22 0 comments


    In the works of assembling a Replicator (the most recent model...) is under construction and will be done shortly.

  • Portaberry Pi

    Darksider710/04/2014 at 13:00 0 comments


    The first entry is the 3D Printing, and which model would fit this project accordingly? I'm going down to the tech store today and ask questions about customization and if I can get away without having to hack that would save a lot of time and effort. Hey, I admit, Mr. Barretta is right this is a very complex machine and will take some figuring to get this first test model up and running correctly.

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