
Siemens SIMATIC IOT2000 Series to Ubidots + Arduin

Program the SIMATIC 2000 series using the Arduino IDE and send the data to Ubidots.

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The below tutorial demonstrates how to setup the SIMATIC IOT2000 series using the Arduino IDE and a sample code to send an HTTP request to Ubidots for front-end interpretation.
  • Siemens SIMATIC IOT2000 Series to Ubidots + Arduino IDE

    Maria Carlina Hernandez01/11/2018 at 15:10 0 comments

    The simplicity of Arduino combined with the reliability and history of Siemens makes the SIMATIC IOT2000 series a perfect choice for an industrial gateway in factories and institutions exploring connectivity and retrofitting options. New sensors on old machines or simply upgrading the sensors currently in use, the SIMATIC IOT2000 series harmonizes, analyzes, and forwards data efficiently with common protocols like MQTT and Modbus. Based on a Yocto Linux, the SIMATIC IOT2000 series includes the IoT2020 and IoT2040 models which are compatible with most Arduino Sketches and can be uploaded directly from the Arduino IDE. The IOT2040 is ideal for factories while the IOT2020 is best in educational institutions with its additional peripherals and communication protocols.The below tutorial demonstrates how to setup the SIMATIC IOT2000 series using the Arduino IDE and a sample code to send an HTTP request to Ubidots for front-end interpretation.

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  • 1
    • Ethernet cable 
    • SD Card
    • 24V power supply
  • 2
    Setting up the SIMATIC IOT2000 series

    First, you must register with or have access to Siemens Support Portal to download all initial configurations. This Portal will also provide troubleshooting and support from Siemens on any hardware related inquires. The entire IOT2000 series is setup the same way, please follow this tutorial for any devices in the series.

  • 3
    Burn and Install the SD-Card

    Begin by burning the SD-Card with the image provided by the Siemens Industry Online Support page. Please, download and save Example_Image_V2.1.3 for later.

    • Insert the microSD-Card into the SD-Card slot of your computer (an adaptor may be needed).
    • Unzip the downloaded image and burn it to the SD-Card. Microsoft users click hereor how to burn images to your SD-Card. Linux users please continue reading.

    Burning an image to the SD-Card using Linux: 

    • Linux:

    1. Open your computer terminal and go to the folder where the zip file was. downloaded using the cd command. e.i: I downloaded the file into the "Downloads" directory:

    cd Downloads

        2. Unzip the downloaded file running the command below: 

     sudo unzip

    Once the zip file is properly unzipped you will see a file named example-V2.1.3.wic as displayed above above. 

    NOTE: If you get an error running the command above, verify the name of the file downloaded is the same.

       3. Verify the location of the SD-card to unmount it and burn the image. Run the command below to verify the location: 

     df -h

    The SD-card should be located it the directory /dev/...; in my case the sd card is located in the following directory /dev/mmcblk0

       4. Unmount the SD-Card running the command below: 

    unmount /dev/mmcblk0

       5. To burn the image, replace the name of the file unzipped and the location of the SD-Card; the structure of the command is as follows:

    sudo dd bs=1M if={name_of_the_image} of={SD_location}

    Once the parameters are replaced with the correct ones, the command should look similar to the following:  

    sudo dd bs=1M if=example-V2.1.3.wic of=/dev/mmcblk0

    Running this command make take a couple minutes, please be patient :) 

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