Working principle
The main board of this system is the ICStation UNO and the ICStation Mega2560. Both of the boards are connected with computer and use the NRF24L01 wireless module to transmit data. When emitting information, the main control panel uses the Serial Module to receive information from computer, while use the NRF2L401 Wireless Module to emit the information to computer. When receiving information, the main control board emits the information which is transmitted by the NRF24L01 wireless module to computer through the Serial Module. We can use this system to finish the bidirectional transmission between computers. Besides, the project is with a LCD1602 Boards which connected with the main control board to display the data.
The main function of this system is to realize the bidirectional transmission between two computers. The specific function is as following:
(1)Open the serial monitors which associated with the ICStation UNO and theICStation mega2560.
(2) Input a string of characters in the serial monitor which associated with theICStation mega2560, we'll see the serial monitor of ICStation UNO displays the word "receive" and the received characters. Meanwhile,the first line of the LCD1602 which connected with the ICStation UNO displays the word "T X" and the characters which transmitted by the Serial Module, while the LCD1602 which connected with the ICStation mega2560 shows the letter "RX" and the received characters in the second line.
(3)When we input a string of characters in the Serial Monitor of the ICStation UNO, we can see the Serial Monitor of the ICStation mega2560 displays the word "receive" and the received characters. Meanwhile, the LCD1602 which associated with the ICStation Mega2560displays the word "TX" and the characters which the serial transmitted in the first line, while the LCD1602 which associated with theICStation UNO shows the word "RX" and the received characters in the second line.
Code for your reference
Step 1: Components List
You need following componenst:
1.ICStation ATMEGA328 UNO V3.0 R3 Board Compatible Arduino UNO R3
2.ICStation ATMEGA2560 Mega2560 R3 Board Compatible Arduino
3.2P NRF24L01+2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver Module for Arduino MCU
4.2P 1602A HD44780 Character LCD Display Module LCM Blue Backlight
6.At least one computer