RGB LED-strip driver using PIC16LF767 and ESP8266. Control via Android app.
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It's been a while since I've updated this page but here it is:
The soldered PCB with first RGB tests via PWM.
Close-up from the PCB on/off
Now I'm going to set up the ESP8266 connection with the PIC.
First I'll write a basic init method and after that I'll do some tests on character sending/receiving
The PCB's I ordered via www.iteadstudio.com arrived a couple of weeks ago! Currently I still have finals though, so I won't be able to continue this project until next week or so...
Ok so I've been able to set up the ESP8266 as a server listening on port 90. I can communicate with it via SocketTest V3.0.0. So I'm glad I got this far yet. Has anybody ever tried to connect to it via putty using 57600 baud? I can't get it to work on 57k6 baud only on 115k2 baud. This is a huge problem because the PIC16LF767 can max send out at 57k6 baud... Any help is welcome!
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You can downloaded a combined BIN-file with this new firmware, along with the "simple flashloader", and Arduino example, wiring examples and a minimum AT-code example from my website at http://www.digitalplayground.be