
Finally christmas

A project log for Lattefy Coffee Maker

Automated internet driven coffee maker.

polectronPolectron 12/24/2014 at 15:190 Comments

Finally we have some time to continue with our project, we have already written a few lines of code and designed a bunch of concepts for lattefy.

This are some concepts we have been making, developing with each iteration a more simple design easier to build.

We have already bought the hardware we need but unfortunately it hasn't arrived yet so we have been working on the software, but not having the hardware to try our code makes it a bit difficult.

The code we have written is divided in two child functions, one which checks pushbullet and another that listens the physical buttons, and a father process that processes the signals received by the child functions. Whenever you ask for coffee by pushbullet or by pressing the buttons on the control panel a signal is sent to the father process which then makes the coffee you ordered.


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