

A project log for Tetris Table

This project is used as a learning tool for myself, and will be developed into a fully integrated tetris table.

lucas-rolfesLucas Rolfes 09/02/2015 at 21:430 Comments

So after a long-overdue timespan, I have picked up the project again! Recently I tested the boards and noticed that I had an atrocious time soldering all of these pads with the LED's, and I was burning out too many of them to viably make something this large. So I did a new revision of the LED boards. Now they'll be back to the standard 2.54mm headers on both sides of the board for I/O and power. Also I spaced the LED's to have a little bit larger room to solder the LED's together, instead of the 1mm space I had before it's closer to 3mm. The boards should be in before the end of September, and once again, went through OSH Park due to the awesome history of customer service I had with them. Software is on hold until some hardware works.

In addition, I realized using something like solder paste might be a fantastic idea for this project, so in conjunction with this project I am attempting to build a mini-fridge to store the paste!
