
Writing the controlling sequence software

A project log for Cypress PSOC 4 + ESP8266 WS2812 RGB XMAS Lights

802.11 WIFI enabled RGB LED Strips, using the ESP8266 and $4 Psoc 4 dev board.

charliexcharliex 11/03/2014 at 23:390 Comments

So now that hardware/firmware side is at an alpha-ish level, it needs a front end to drive it and sequence to the music so on Sunday i put this together.

It's an MFC hosted app where each of the sub window is part of a base class, so you add them with callbacks and they can process the data in their own unique way , as well as communicate with each other.

If you've seen something similar on my you tube channel it is indeed a rework of my third gen ECU tuning software that never got finished, so i'm glad I found a new use for it as I've always liked the framework, a few of the controls are scratch built, a few are from codeproject, Chris Maunders GridCtrl is in there for instance.

It can handle multiple songs at once, and the sequencer is controlled from the grid, the rows are time, the columns are individual LED controllers, the number being the pattern, script or container.

Using Visual studio + MFC its really easy to throw together a complex UI very quickly indeed.

I've got some tidying up and tie together work to get it sequencing, but its mostly there. Still thinking about how i want to design the grid.

Chris's control is great and its very expandable so you can cut and paste from excel or google sheets if you want to edit and layout in there, there is no point re-inventing the wheel, but this grid has enhanced cut and paste, multi select etc, and you can edit it as it plays etc. with undo/redo levels and all that jazz.



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