
Raspberry Pi Zero Jaws by bfesser

A project log for Stickvise - low profile soldering vise

Stickvise is a low profile vise designed for PCB soldering. This product was born on

alex-richAlex Rich 12/23/2016 at 01:062 Comments

Check these out!

This is exactly the kind of thing I had in mind for Stickvise - mod and hack to make custom fixtures for holding PCBs. These are a cool set of jaws by @bfesser that not only hold two RasPi zeros, but you can flip them around and hold any size PCB. There is actually a dual and a single jaw set available. Enjoy pics below, if interested in 3d printing these, head over to thingiverse to download.


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bfesser wrote 12/23/2016 at 15:35 point

Wow, Alex!  Thank you very much for the mention. :)

I couldn't find anything on your pages regarding licensing for your STLs and OpenSCAD code, so for my designs I've chosen a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication from the options available on Thingiverse.  I hope this matches your original intent, please let me know if you prefer another.

Hack the Planet!

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Alex Rich wrote 12/25/2016 at 00:18 point

No problem, thanks for sharing your design.  I don't have any legalese for my OpenSCAD code, your license sounds fine.  Cheers!

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