
ESP8266 Windows toolkit

A toolkit for users and developers working with the ESP8266.
Including: flash-downloader, Command-Generator, Arduino-Code generator etc.

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At this point getting started with the ESP8266 might be tricky for people who dont want to deal with the internals of the chip and just want to connect an Arduino or something else to the web. On the other hand, even for developers the tools that are available on windows are not too advanced, stable and working properly. Therefore I want to start making a all-in-one tool which is helpful for both groups, ordinary users and also developers.

Currently planned features:

######## USER ##############

- Getting started wizard: no Idea of AT+Commands, baudrates or how to connect the device? no worries, simply select what you want to do, enter your WiFi credentials, follow the instructions and the device will be configured.

- Easy flash downloader, maybe with sources from the web: Connect the ESP8266 like it is shown in a small animation or picture, and simply flash the firmware of your choice, it might be a local .bin (or 2, for flash and iROM) or a FW from the web, maybe someone starts a list or I will do.

- At Command wizard: tool will check for AT+Command version (if using AT firmware) and will bring up all available commands in the form of buttons (or similar), there will be a small explanation for every command and for those with parameters a small window to define those parameters.

- Arduino wizard: Select what you want to do, the most common use-cases will be covered, then the tool will generate the arduino code for you based on your credentials and also the configuration commands for the Arduino.

- Getting Started AT-FW: AT-Firmware which is meant to be used by humans, with detailed error messages etc. Can be used to get familiar with the AT-Commands.

######## Developer ##############

- Developer flash downloader, flash-tool with CLI for use with own scripts/apps, no more need for python. Add a listener to the binaries so every time you build a new .bin the device automatically will be flashed.

- merge Flash and iROM .bins to a single .bin

  • Project delayed

    Thomas01/14/2015 at 16:53 0 comments

    Hey guys.
    I can see that more and more people are interested in this project. I have not forgotten you! Currently I am a bit stressed as I have a lot of ongoing projects. However, I just want to send out a heartbeat ;)


  • Making it extendible

    Thomas11/07/2014 at 17:44 0 comments

    There are some breakboard versions around, there are new ones coming. So how to make the system flexible enough to take all those variations?

    I might have found a solution. There is small file for every Breakout version, its human readable (XAML) and has information about the Breakout version (max voltage etc) and also a vector based layout of the breakout version. At startup those files are read and will be shown as selection, if it is a 3V device there will be a big warning.

    There will be a settings flyout where you can deactivate this warning and set other things. Once you have set up your environment those settings will be saved in a XML file..

    YOu can hover the connections and the devices on the board (maybe even the pins of the chips) to get information about them.

    Im not sure how to implement wiring diagrams yet. I simply can't go for every possibility, maybe I just highlight the most important connections or something like that.

    After you have gone through the wiring there will be the selection of the serial port (tiles again). I want to make a auto connect, so sending a AT command, see if it works, if not change the baurate automatically and test until it got response, if it has response, try to figure out which FW version is installed and check if there are newer ones are available, if yes give the option to update the FW.

  • Kickoff

    Thomas11/03/2014 at 01:03 0 comments

    Started by setting up a Theme and a GUI concept.

    Also I started to design the Getting Started walkthrough. Very unhappy with the pictures I do have but at least I have some. Next step is to draw the wiring schematics for every Breakout Version. I know that there are more Versions around but there is plenty of space to extend the selection.

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AVR wrote 05/08/2015 at 02:38 point

Great idea, I prefer to dev in Linux but I spend a lot of my time in Windows 8 for EDA tools and work, having ESP dev tools for windows that don't suck is gonna be great, looking forward to your up dates.

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Michael O'Toole wrote 11/12/2014 at 12:24 point
Great idea, looking forward to having the resource... For me personally the main problem is one of organising the current web resource and working out which is actually accurate...

@Peter, I've managed to compile on Windows 7 but that was down to finding the proper resources and more correctly a single zip file containing them... Info here:

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Thomas wrote 11/02/2014 at 10:37 point
The responses might be confusing but they are not made for humans. Those responses are made to be processed by other devices and to save memory they are very short and repeatative. However. I changed that at my esp smartmeter project you also find on hackaday as it is meant to be used by humans. As it is simply extending the original functionality feel free to use it. You might like the AT+HELP command ;)

EDIT: when I am done I will add a "human readable" AT-FW based on the latest SDK. Something to get started with AT-Commands

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