
Raspberry pi pocket PC

In this project i will try to take the little piece of magic called the raspberri pi and turn it into a computer the size of a nintendo ds.

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There is a major market out there for smaller and smaller computers. Smartphones do an okay job but they do not have the software or memory of a laptop or desktop computer. Laptops are also a useful tool but they are far to big to keep discreetly in a pocket so those are out too. Now that those are both out of the picture we need to think of the smallest computer ( that is of any use ) that money can buy. Introducing the raspberry pi! This credit card sized computer is so freaking awesome that it uses linux software takes only a few watts and costs only $35. The only problem with these is that you must know more or less how to program simple command prompt style systems. This is because of the software systems that you must download and format. The best software to run this on is raspbian software which you can get for free on the raspberry pi site. The software goes on an sd card that is put in the raspberry pi.
This was only an introduction so stay tuned.
  • 1 × Raspberry pi model b+ This must be model b+ to work properly
  • 1 × 3.5 inch lcd display This is just the sized screen i got but size is not important
  • 1 × Projection keyboars I will use a projection keyboard for size control but any will work
  • 1 × 1.5 amp cell phone charger The main power supply
  • 1 × (Optional) thumb drive for extra storage This can be used for extra storage space

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  • I have not had much progress

    Howie11/03/2014 at 00:00 0 comments

    As of right now I have not done much work on this project so I will not suggest trying to copy my work. I am kind of winging it here and this may not work at all.

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  • 1
    Step 1

    I will delete this instruction once the project is finished.

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