
NeuroBuggy v0.1

A project log for NeuroBytes

Build your own nervous system!

zakqwyzakqwy 08/21/2015 at 04:380 Comments
I added a new Motor NeuroBytes program for servos modified for continuous rotation, then mounted a pair of CR units in an old cellphone box. The program ( makes a downstream servo rotate CW for ~1s when the excitatory dendrites get hit, and rotate CCW for~1s when the inhibitory dendrites get hit. In the video, three standard NeuroBytes run in a loop to generate a series of pulses that get sent to both Motor NeuroBytes quickly enough to cause uninterrupted rotation. When either switch is hit, the opposite Motor NeuroBytes module gets an inhibitory pulse and reverses until the next cycle, causing the NeuroBuggy to rotate in place and embark on a new trajectory.

More details on the hardware to come.
