This is a huge update that isn't very visual, so I'm going to list a few of the changes, but it won't completely cover the scope of the update.
Major Changes:
- Biggest change: Update to ES6, mainly classes and 'let' s instead of all global 'var's
- Huge restructure of data
- 4 sub folders of source: resources, global adjusters, class libraries, and engine sections
- Split up of each different type of action in the game
- Added enemies and start location to level data instead of separate parameter (interpreted when created)
- this allows for the level editor to be both simpler and also more powerful
- Better level editor
- add tiles
- add enemies and character start location
- Scroll bars to scroll between
- Culling of undrawn objects
- Update to input and music control
- using classes and pseudo-enums
- more abstract; i.e.: check 'jump' key instead of checking for 'w' and 'up'
- Minor bug fixes
The only real change left to do is remake the unlockables as objects that can be used. The new structure of the levels (negative numbers for special objects) should allow for that to be relatively easy
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