The Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
The core of motion control is the frequency generator ISR. Here is an ISR "Blink" sketch:
Simple 3 Axis ISR Motion Controller - Part 1: The ISR Frequency Generator
Written by Alan Cooper (
This work is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 2.4 License.
This means you are free to copy and share the code (but not to sell it).
volatile unsigned int magic=0;
static unsigned int phase=0;
if (phase<0x8000) {
if (phase>=0x8000) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW); // LED on
} else {
if (phase<0x8000) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH); // LED off
void setup()
// LED
// Use Timer 2 for ISR
// Good for ATmega48A/PA/88A/PA/168A/PA/328/P
TIMSK2=0; // Clear timer interrupts
TCCR2A=(0<<COM2A0)|(0<<COM2B0)|(3<<WGM20); // Fast PWM
TCCR2B=(1<<WGM22)|(2<<CS20); // 2 MHz clock and (Mode 7)
OCR2A=243; // Set for 8197 Hz
OCR2B=121; // Not used
TIMSK2=(1<<TOIE2)|(0<<OCIE2A)|(0<<OCIE2B); // Set interrupts
// Update frequency without interrupt
unsigned int freq=1; // Note freq should be between 1 and 4095
void loop()
The code is based on my Midi project (
The heart of the frequency generator are two 16 bit unsigned integers "magic" and "phase". Now, magic is added to phase approximately 8192 times a second. If magic equal 8, then phase will overflow and reset every second (i.e. 65536=8x8192). I can not set the ISR for exactly 8192 Hz but 8197 Hz is close enough. The ISR sets the LED on as it passes 0x7FFF and reset the LED as it passes 0xFFFF. The formula for magic is "=freq*8", and the range for freq is 1 to 4095 Hz.
If you upload the sketch to an UNO or a Nano the LED will flash at 1 Hz, assuming "freq=1".
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