I've decided on using the edding 4200 series on this run. I had to go over twice to get a good covering. Next time I'll try nailpolish though, since the color is still removable with Isopropanol, but tougher than with the 300 series.

I've decided on using the edding 4200 series on this run. I had to go over twice to get a good covering. Next time I'll try nailpolish though, since the color is still removable with Isopropanol, but tougher than with the 300 series.
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You could also try a few passes of UV curing soldermask. Laser cut stencils might work fine for selectively blocking the UV.
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interesting idea :) I want to get something that's more robust against isopropyl.
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Are you using PCB stencils for this?
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nopes, just selling them as kits or handsolder them. it's just two LEDs, a switch, battery holder and the clip...
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I mean stencils for painting.
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ahhh, that would have been a good idea actually. I tried not to leave the white pads with the pen, but on the black it wasn't that bad. I've hit gold once or twice but was able to remove it.
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