

Cross-platform Android Scripting Unified Auxiliary Loader

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This project is desinged to unify platforms and devices, making android Hacking both device and platform agnostic.  We have made great strides and come up with some awesome APIs that enable easy access to devices. It works on Windows, Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi and just recently, we've enabled Web Browser access. 

The CASUALCore functions to provide the infrastructure required for the project.  CASUALCore allows platform-agnostic APIs for working with Android in the CAUSAL Language.   The current focus on the project is UI work and Merging with other services such as TWRP and CF_AutoRoot, but these must be done securely.   

If you're looking to contribute to an open source project, we always have work to be done.  There's not enough time in the day to work on everything. 

​Currently the project requries development in the following areas:

CASUAL Core must be split into OS-Specific packages.  

UI work is needed.  

Monitization in-app is also a consideration.   

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    Build instructions are located here

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