I assembled the new ring version some time ago but didn't get a chance to putz with the programming until now. Gross, programming. But yay, yellow LEDs:

Used a pin change interrupt on the button to wake up the t85; previously, resting current draw ("resting") was nearly a milliamp which nuked the batteries in a few days. Now down in the microamp range, which should make Zn-air life the limiting factor (4-6 weeks depending on use):

Note that I kept the pogo rig together but soldered wires on for iterative programming. It's fussy to repeatedly align.
Reinforcement wires worked like a charm. I took a few traces dangerously close to the PCB edge which bit me this time, but nothing a few jumpers couldn't fix:

The ring also has a bit of conformal coating, and I used the largest spring tabs from the previous order (A108284CTs). Assuming the ring doesn't break in the next week, I'll wear it to Teardown.
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It really looks great. I wonder if you could somehow also fit the button inside there, straddling the pcbs.
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thanks! I'll keep my eyes peeled for a 4mm button. would be easier to press, for sure.
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I'm curious: did you use all the bells and whistles, regarding power down? I mean all the power reduction registers, pulling up unused pins, turning BOD and ADC off etc.?
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nope, just shutdown mode. I think further savings could be possible. but potentially not needed, as I think battery life is the constraint.
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bam! super cool :)
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This project continues to amaze me. Well done!
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thanks friend!!
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