
My procrastination is limitless. Anyway let's do this

A project log for Ancient VFD clock

An attempt to sewing together a uC, four really old russian IV-12 VFDs and quite possibly a DCF radio synced hacked clock.

emil-jEmil J 07/25/2016 at 11:370 Comments

Well, it's not really procrastination that kept this project on the backburner for the last year and a half, but more like total demotivation to do anything creative. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'm back to and I'm ready to make stuff!

There'll be a small change in direction in that I won't try to build everything from scratch. Having PCBs made and then finding out that it just won't work and having to troubleshoot tens or hundreds of components sounds like it would ruin the whole project for me. I think you can still learn a lot even if you use the easier routes.

I'm currently designing the schematic with KiCAD. My workflow is as follows:

1) identify challenge

2) look at Mouser for integrated solutions or use random internet reference designs

3) study datasheets, create components in KiCAD, do the wiring

4) repeat for next challenge

I'll try and upload the KiCAD files after small milestones.

