
Good News

A project log for Sniffing Trinket

A room climate monitor

georg-krockerGeorg Krocker 12/23/2014 at 21:090 Comments

This is just a quick update: The boards have arrived yesterday and I had a first quick look. So far I have spotted just two small problems that can be fixed:

I have checked most of the other connections and not found an other problems but so far I have not tested the boards with all of the components. That will have to wait for another day or two.

Anyhow, I'm very happy with the result, considering that this is my first PCB. I also want to mention that I'm very pleased with the quick service of ITEAD for the manufacturing (not so with DHL who delivered the boards, but that is another story).

In the meantime I have some more work to do and wish you all a merry Christmas! As a present I will leave you with two photos of the actual boards.


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