
Wired up simple tone generation...

A project log for Couch to 5km Assistant

An inline audio assistant to signal the next phase of the couch to 5k running program.

glebiteglebite 12/10/2014 at 12:083 Comments

I hooked up one of the 3.5mm jacks that I had (although I want a smaller profile device) and used the simple toneMelody code for the Arduino. It worked but now I'm thinking that a pot might be advisable for adjusting the volume. I got to thinking about that too and I'm going to have to dust off the research tools to re-think the connecting circuit. Methinks that some resistors are going to be needed and an added pot might affect that in some fashion... ;)

Bob would be impressed that I'm using resistors. :)

This page will help me in my quest: (opens in new tab)


glebite wrote 12/10/2014 at 13:11 point
Possibly - my little device is however becoming rather button-crazy at the moment but I'll always look into options. Yes, reduction of buttons by expanding the state machine on the Trinket Pro can do that but we'll see... We'll see. I'm keen to get my other jack in place this weekend (it's going to snow like mad the next few days) and then see how it all turns out. I'm already looking at moving the buttons to the top to avoid left-hand/right-hand issues...

It's all a learning experience...

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davedarko wrote 12/10/2014 at 13:22 point
Anyway, good luck for the contest!

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davedarko wrote 12/10/2014 at 12:25 point
May be you could also consider using digital potentiometers or reducing the volume by software and two buttons instead of a potentiometer?

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