
Sorry for the lull

A project log for Digivibe

An open hardware / open software vibrator, using a Trinket Pro (pro version) or a Digispark (mini version).

welsh-mulletWelsh Mullet 12/28/2014 at 18:280 Comments

Work on the project has not progressed much over the past week and a bit, due to work, social things and Christmas. However, a usb rechargeable battery has been purchased (and has arrived) that means the project will finally be battery powered. Hopefully this 2600mah battery should power the vibrator for a couple of hours of constant use before needing a recharge. Also, some buttons have turned up so I can finally start on software goal number one: Replicate the functionality of the existing low end device that came with the test vibrators. This has two buttons, and ten "patterns", so reproducing it should allow me to learn about interrupts and a few other things before diving into a more complex control system.

After the basics, and with the contest end coming up fast, I will probably try and work on some audio to vibration functionality. However, this project will continue after the contest ends, but will not likely have a case any time soon. No access to a 3d printer, unless I can find a reasonably sized container suitable for pulling out in the bedroom.


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