
Mathematica in Stereo

A project log for Lightning Direction Finding

Finding the direction of lightning strikes.

niel-malanNiel Malan 01/22/2018 at 21:421 Comment

Today I tried to input sound into my laptop and process it with Mathematica. 

It seems to work OK when I use the built-in microphone or a headset, but not so well when I try to input two channels. 

My Dell Inspirion 15 has a only a single 3.5 mm socket for sound input and output, and somehow I must convince it to take two channels of line-in. 



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Niel Malan wrote 01/23/2018 at 10:19 point

Thank you. This is good to know. I was hoping to not spend any money and effort on the recording/processing side of things.

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