
Holo clock

A 3d printed stepper motor clock

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this is a simple clock based on a single geared stepper motor which i found in surplus 10 for a dollar... The motor is basically a 1:30 geared motor working at 12v with a 3mm shaft. The single motor is driven by a attiny2313 and uln2803 circuit with the code written in arduino ide. The single motor moves a gear train which in turn moves the minute ring and hour ring. The attiny pulses the motor every minute to move the minute wheel and the hour wheel.

The driver board of the clock is based on a attiny2313 and a uln2803 .The attiny is programmed using the arduino ide and a arduino as the programmer. The driver board turns on the motor every minute and turns the minute ring by one minute and then turns off.. This keeps the clock very silent.

stl files at :

code at :

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  • 1 × attiny2313 Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 1 × uln2803 Discrete Semiconductors / Power Transistors and MOSFETs
  • 1 × 1:30 12v stepper motor ( 3mm shaft ) ( 20 mm diameter )

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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 01/05/2015 at 01:16 point

the parts are cheap but you need to make a pcb and program it that is the hard part. The motor is a little difficult to find but if you want i can help you modify it to fit a motor of your choice. Alternativelt i can send you kits containing a assembled pcb , screws, spacers , motor and the programming shield. mail me ekaggratatgmaildotcom

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Scott Swanson wrote 01/04/2015 at 21:11 point

About how much are the 3 parts? I'm thinking this could be a fun project for some of my students.

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