The last update was talking about the steps to build the circuit, and this is about using the circuit. I needed to program it so that when you pressed the arm button, it would turn on. A event (in the final product, movement) would trigger the alarm, and then the code would turn it off.
I built this up over the course of a few days, starting with a simple version using delays, and then building out the button based security code utilizing non-blocking code. I was very happy with the result, and stripped out some the unnecessary pieces for the power circuit component, and posted it to the forum (see the post) as a standalone button based security code sketch. Hoping to get some feedback, and also wanted to share in case someone wanted to do something similar.
I have posted the code as it stand so far (includes the power on, and the button based code) below, but also wanted to share a video of it operational so far:
The code (the comments make it a little difficult to follow, sorry!)
/* alarmbox.ino Implements a security code using buttons as the way to input the code. Number of buttons, the number of digits in the secret code, and the numerical value of each button (for the code) can be defined independently. This code can be used to take any action when the secret code is entered correctly. In this example, the on board LED is on while the secret code has not been correctly entered, and then is turned off when the secret code is entered correctly. The sketch also prints the code that has been entered so far to the serial monitor, along with if it has been matched (only when matched). There is no need for resetting the code entered periodically as the code entered is simply made up of the last X number of digits that had been entered (X depends on the length of the secret code). The circuit: * If no LED on the board that is attached to pin 13, attach an LED from pin 13 to ground * For each button you choose to have for inputs into the entered code (in this sketch there are four buttons, but you can change that): -- Use a normally open button (i.e. only on when you press it, then it pops up) -- Connect from one side of the button to ground through a resistor (A decent size, in this example 1k resistors were used but you can use 10k or similar larger value.) -- Connect from the other side of the button to a digital I/O pin on the arduino board. (in this sketch, button 1 was connected to pin 8, button 2 to pin 9, button 3 to pin 10, button 4 to pin 11, but you can change that as long as you change it in the sketch (noted where you do that). Created December 2014 by MakerSelf ( Please use, modify and be merry! */ //======================================== // --------CONSTANTS--------------- const int secretCodeLength = 7; const int secretCode[secretCodeLength] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1}; const int codeEnteredInitializedValue = 0; const int numberOfButtons = 4; const int buttonPins[numberOfButtons] = {8, 9, 10, 11}; //put your pins here const int buttonValues[numberOfButtons] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; //put the values of the button you want to use here const int buttonInterval = 300; //this is the sensitivity of the button (i.e. how quickly can you double press the button) const byte buttonPressedState = LOW; const byte buttonNotPressedState = HIGH; const int OnOffPin = 7; const int speakerPin = 6; //------------ VARIABLES--------------------- int codeEntered[secretCodeLength]; //this gets initilized byte buttonStates[numberOfButtons]; //this gets initilized unsigned long previousButtonMillis[numberOfButtons]; //this gets initilized byte speakerState; unsigned long previousSerialMillis; //for debugging or printing to the serial if that is the objective. Gets initialized to zero when begin Serial Communication. // ================================================================================== // --------MAIN PROGRAM--------------- void setup() { //turn the Circuit on via transistor pinMode(OnOffPin, OUTPUT); // initialize digital OnOffPin as an output. digitalWrite(OnOffPin, HIGH); // turn the OnOffPin HIGH and thus the transistor gate open by making the voltage HIGH pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // use digital pin 13 to show when the OnOffPin is high. for debugging, to be removed in final version. digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // use digital pin 13 to show when the OnOffPin is high. for debugging, to be removed in final version. //intialize speaker pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT); speakerState = true; //initialize codeEntered and Buttons initializeCodeEntered(); //makes the code entered be all zeros (or whatever value you define) initializeButtons(); //make the buttons ready to be pressed //to communicate and debug Serial.begin(9600); //for debugging, to be removed in final version if you do not plan to use the serial monitor in your project. previousSerialMillis = 0; //for debugging, to be removed in final version if you do not plan to use the serial monitor in your project. } //end setup void loop() { //--------REAL WORLD--------------- readButtonsAndShiftEnteredCode(); //read the buttons and add them to the entered code if a button has been pressed boolean isMatched = doesCodeEnteredMatchSecretCode(); //check to see if the code matches if (isMatched == true) { //if the entered code matches the secret code, take some action digitalWrite(13, LOW); //NOTE: insert the things that you want to do when there is matched code here speakerState = false; } // if isMatched // NOTE: you can put an else in here if there are actions to be taken repeatedly // while code is not matched. However, this will get done extremely rapidly // unless you put in another millis checker (i.e. only do when a certain number // of millis has gone by) //--------------------------------- if (millis() > 5000) { speakerPlay(speakerState); } //--------SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS------------- //This section is unnecessary if you do not plan to use the serial monitor in your project. //print out the entered code and if matched. if ((millis() - previousSerialMillis) > 1000) { //only print every so often, eg. every 1 second for (int x = 0; x < secretCodeLength; x++){ //print the secretCode Serial.print(codeEntered[x]); } //end for if (isMatched == true) { //print if it matches Serial.print(" Matched!"); } //end if Serial.println(); //make new line previousSerialMillis = millis(); //record when you did the last print } //end serial printing if //------------------------------------------- } //end loop // ================================================================================== // --------FUNCTIONS--------------- void readButtonsAndShiftEnteredCode() { //PURPOSE: read the buttons and then call shiftCodeEntered if a button has been are pressed for (int x = 0; x < numberOfButtons; x++) { //step through all buttons unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if ((currentMillis - previousButtonMillis[x]) > buttonInterval) { //check to see if enough time has passed since last press int newButtonState = digitalRead(buttonPins[x]); //if enough time has passed, read the buttons if (newButtonState == buttonPressedState && buttonStates[x] == buttonNotPressedState) { //only add to the code entered if it has from NotPressed to Pressed (i.e pressing and holding does not give more than one press) shiftCodeEntered(buttonValues[x]); //if button was pressed, add its value to code array previousButtonMillis[x] = currentMillis; //reset button time } //end button state check if buttonStates[x] = newButtonState; //update the button state } //end millis if } //end of number of buttons for loop } //end readButtons void shiftCodeEntered(int buttonValue) { //PURPOSE: shifts the code one to the left, and then adds the value of the most recent pressed button on the right for (int x = 0; x < secretCodeLength; x++) { //step through the code codeEntered[x] = codeEntered[x+1]; //for each code spot, shift it to the left. the first digit gets lost. if (x == (secretCodeLength-1)) { //if the last spot, add the new digit from the button press codeEntered[x] = buttonValue; } //if }//for } //end shiftCodeEntered void initializeCodeEntered() { //PURPOSE: initializes all spots in the code entered at the initization value, which is typically zero. This is so you dont get an error and should be a different set of characters than is on the buttons (i.e. if the buttons are of value 1 - 4, make initilization 0) or ensure that this code will not be the secret code (i.e. can have any code except for all zeros) //make each of the codes equal to the initial value it is to be assigned (typically 0) for (int x = 0; x < secretCodeLength; x++) { //step through the code entered codeEntered[x] = codeEnteredInitializedValue; //for each digit, get it to the initilized value (typically zero) }// end for } //end resetCodeEntered void initializeButtons() { //PURPOSE: initilizes all the buttons as inputs, as not pressed, and waiting for a press for (int x = 0; x < numberOfButtons; x++) { //step through the buttons pinMode(buttonPins[x], INPUT); //for each button, make that buttons pin an input buttonStates[x] = buttonNotPressedState; //for each button, intialize each button as not pressed previousButtonMillis[x] = 0; //for each button, intialize when it was last pressed at zero (so can record future presses correctly) } } //end initializeButtons boolean doesCodeEnteredMatchSecretCode() { //PURPOSE: check each digit of the entered code and the secret code against each other to see if they match boolean isMatched = true; //assume the code is matched, and then make it not matched as soon as there is one different for (int x = 0; x < secretCodeLength; x++) { //step through the code entered if (isMatched == false || codeEntered[x] != secretCode[x]) { //if the code entered digit at that code spot does not equal the secret code digit at the code spot, or do not match in any previous checks, then make it false isMatched = false; //for each digit, get it to the initilized value (typically zero) } //end if } // end for return isMatched; //return this to main program, to tell it if the code was matched or not } //end doesCodeEnteredMatchSecretCode void speakerPlay(boolean isSpeakerOn) { if (isSpeakerOn == true) { // tone(speakerPin, 100, 1000); tone(speakerPin, 200, 1000); } //end if speaker on } //end speakerPlay
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