Uses an Alcohol Gas Sensor MQ-3 along with support hardware (LCD, LEDs, Trinket, breadboard, etc) to create a pocket-sized breathalyzer. A custom 3D printed case will be used to conform to the circuit geometries so as to make an extremely low profile casing. Additional sensors may be added if time/space allows to make a "Swiss army knife" device. However, the idea is to keep a low profile.
Just beginning the project. Ordered the TrinketPro and MQ-3 today. I will start drawing up the schematic soon (probably this weekend after final exams are over for me). Primarily this project is going to focus on keeping a low profile; hopefully this can be done with the TrinketPro (for the sake of the Hackaday contest) but would probably make more sense using an ATTiny85 if I stick with only a breathalyzer. That's why I'm considering adding temperature/humidity sensing and possibly other components to make better use of the Trinket.