
Woah! The code is up!

A project log for Can I borrow a feeling?

or, how I can access a random emotion at the press of a button.

sascha-grantSascha Grant 12/13/2014 at 07:290 Comments

I started the day with a trip to my local parts supplier to obtain a nice new 16 x 2 LCD since the one I've been using for development is old and fading - I don't know. You spend $5 on an LCD, shouldn't it last for ever?? Bah!

So, I picked up a Polymer LCD screen... Except that I've got no response from it - it's just dead right out of the bag. Argh! I have no idea what's going on.. Very unhappy about that. Still, I did pick up a cheapie LCD screen at the same time - $4 in the discount bin and it's working like a champ! (in fact, I might pop back some time and grab a couple more!)

Oh - I spent lunch enjoying a tour of Melbourne's largest brewery along with a tasting.

Lunch was a really yummy steak burger, but I digress!

Ok, as the title of this update states - code is now up. Go check it out -


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