
RFID Ninja Tool

Build your own RFID Ninja Tool, aka "The RFID Cloner Plus". It can also be a flashlight, a voltmeter, a thermometer, and more.

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Have you ever wanted to demonstrate to people just how insecure RFID tags can be? Now you can with the RFID Ninja Tool! It's like a magic wand that fits in your pocket that can read and spoof 125KHz RFID tags. The best part is that all you need is some PVC, a Pro Trinket (or similar small-size Arduino), a 125KHz RFID reader (I'm using an ID Innovations ID-2 due to its small size), an NPN transistor, some resistors, some capacitors, and some (magnet) wire. It also has a number of *optional* useful features that any hacker/ninja would find useful such as a voltmeter and flashlight. These features can even be added later if desired which is awesome if your preferred method of shipping is, "slow boat from China"!

Required Parts:

  • Pro Trinket or similar tiny 5V Arduino.
  • A 5V power source. I'm using two tiny LiPo RC helicopter batteries and an LM2940 5V regulator.
  • An RFID reader of some sort. The smaller the better (if you can make one from scratch that can fit inside a PVC pipe post the instructions and I'll use it!). For this build I used an ID Innovations ID-2 which is an older version of the ID-3V. The ID-12 or ID-20 would work too but you'll need to use a larger diameter PVC pipe to fit it inside. You could even use the Parallax RFID reader if you don't mind it being duck-taped all ugly-like to the side of your Ninja Tool =D .
  • An RFID Antenna for reading tags. You could wrap your own but I recommend getting a professionally-made one since they're cheap. I'm using this one from Coilcraft.
  • A 10k resistor; for the transmit (TX) antenna.
  • A 10nF (0.01 uF) capacitor; for the transmit (TX) antenna.
  • An NPN-type transistor (I'm using a 2N3904); for the transmit (TX) antenna.
  • A small prototyping board. I'm using a 2cm x 8cm board which fits easily into the PVC pipe.
  • 26-34awg magnet wire; for the transmit (TX) antenna.
  • At least 10cm (~4 inches) of SDR-21 (the thin wall kind) 3/4-inch PVC pipe. You *must* use the thin-walled kind or your parts won't have enough room inside the pipe (just ask the hardware store to help you select the right kind--Home Depot and Lowes stock it). If you're feeling adventurous the Pro Trinket *does* just barely fit inside the 1/2-inch thin-walled PVC but fitting the battery might be a problem. If you're using the ID-12 or ID-20 you'll need 1-inch PVC (it will still fit in your pocket just a bit bulkier).
  • A toggle switch of some sort to turn it off and on.

Optional Parts:

  • A 0.96 (or similar size) OLED display.
  • Wire wrap tool and some wire wrap wire (if you don't want to solder directly to your RFID reader).
  • Copper tape for improved touch-sensitive input (it beats tapping a wire).
  • A 100k and an extra 10k resistor for adding voltmeter capabilities.
  • Some bright LEDs to make a flashlight.
  • An extra toggle switch to turn the flashlight on/off.
  • A temperature sensor for making a thermometer.

  • Works on the breadboard

    Riskable12/23/2014 at 03:24 0 comments

    Everything works on the breadboard. I've tested everything a few times. I've even made sure everything fits inside the PVC. The only thing I'm missing at the moment is the voltage regulator that will allow me to power the ID-2 (among other things). Since the Pro Trinket can only output 150mA and the ID-2 needs 200mA the regulator is necessary.

    While I've been waiting I've been experimenting with the PVC--seeing just what I can fit in there along with everything else. There's plenty of room! I also made an indentation in the pipe so that the OLED display doesn't get scratched when being placed face-down on a flat surface:

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