
Apio: Your DIY Smart Home

Apio is a platform Hardware and Software for control via Smartphone, Tablet and PC your DIY smart Home

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Apio is a platform composed by two hardware and two software:
1. Apio Dongle a USB Key that let your PC or Gateway to control wireless all of your objects.
2.Apio General that allow you to create Objects.

1. ApioOS is the software that let you configure and control in real time every object from the same interface, and create complex actions involving multiple components, like connecting a sensor to a group of light sources or your stereo.
2. ApioSDK is the platform for the development of Objects from Interface to Firmwire. Regular users that are not comfortable handling code will prefer the SDK, witch is a wizard that generate the virtual applications and the firmware for the micro controller.Advanced users will still be able, using directly the Apio Framework for create objects.


  • Low Cost Smart Home
  • Fully Customizable
  • Open Source
  • Real Time communication
  • Notification
  • Correlation among different objects
  • Possibility to create different behaviour
  • Scalable
  • Framework for manage and create Objects
  • Wizard procedure for create new smart objects without code
  • User Friendly
  • Arduino compatibility

Apio is an Operating System that let you create your Smart Home.

Everybody nowadays create projects with Arduino board or similar and try to connect them.

We develop and hardware and software to facilitate this procedures.

Apio Hardware is formed by Apio Dongle(connected to PC, it gives 802.15.4 communication channel) and Apio General an Arduino compatible micro-controller that can be used for create smart-objects.

Buy HereThe two main software are:
ApioOS: An operating system that gives you to control and link each other all of your objects(more information: HERE )

ApioSDK: An IDE for creating Apio Compatible Objects starting from a Micro Controller like Apio General or a solution like Arduino+XBee(more information: HERE)


Amazing objects you can create and correlate with APIO:

  • 1 × Apio Dongle It gives communication channel to your PC
  • 1 × Apio General It is a micro controller that let you create your objects

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