What if you have to do a programming exercise in Excel and using Macro's are forbidden? (Such as Multi-platform spreadsheets or Contest problems). The solution is this project. Write your program in special Assembly (called Exembly), format the output of it using Excel and enjoy your finished work!
After recognizing the number of the followers I want to continue developoing the project.
Current status:
>Instuctions: INC, DEC, MOV, CMP, JMP, JNZ, PUSH, POP, JZ...
>Hungarian language
>Multilanguage support
>3 examples for use
Some improvements in speed. Hope for English version. May contain bugs. Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B45UYlpRrfSZOWJRTklFUUxsQzg/view?usp=sharing
Since many users had difficulities with downloading the current version from 4shared, I uploaded the spreadsheet to Google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B45UYlpRrfSZekl2YVdUTWw3UE0/view
Might I suggest using an actual version control system like git with GitHub so we can see how things progress, as well as to not have to deal with adware ridden hellholes like 4shared?
How to download the project?