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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
Create an account to leave a comment. Already have an account? Log In.
It always used to recognize my email address and ask me to log in with my Wordpress account, but for a few months now I've been using a + extension on my email address so Wordpress doesn't recognize it. (If you're, you can use and still receive any emails sent to it. I don't know of any other email providers that have that feature, but I'm sure they exist.) But I would like to be able to comment there with my account from here.
What's the point of (and how on earth can one search for info on) the + thing?
Also, you apparently can use both and (as well as, and do the same filtering based on that. And you can put periods anywhere in the username ( and Gmail considers that the same address, while most other sites consider it different.
I'd really like that too, this way when one clicks on your avatar, it could direct you to your profile on projects.
Hey jaromir.sukuba, PointyOintment, and davedarko. It's a great idea. However, it's difficult because the blog runs on the system. There doesn't seem to be a good way to integrate them at the moment.
[bug] [formatting]
Long URL doesn't wrap, resulting in the page being excessively wide: #3835. Computer Vision Dildos
Also, I just noticed that the new # links continue to be links even when I refresh the page partway through writing a comment and restore the comment form's contents using Lazarus. That's pretty cool.
However, when writing this comment, I noticed a bug with them: it continues to suggest projects even when I put a space after the # and continue typing the rest of the sentence.
Hey PointyOintment, thanks for pointing those out. I've put in a ticket for each.
On those (rare?) occasions when a real-time conversation pops up in a discussion... two people might end up filling up the "Now-On" section on the hackaday blog... here's a screenshot:
It might be worthwhile to not drive-out everyone else's updates... Maybe it should have a bit of fuzzy-logic, e.g. "the project log has been commented on X times in the last hour by *user1*, *user2*, ..."
When @Peter McCloud wrote on the wall of @Anthony A. the feeds link to Anthony A. was linking to Mr. McCloud.
Thanks davedarko. I noticed that too and I've put in a ticket. Cheers.
[bug] [my feed]
Some entries are not appearing in my feed. What I've noticed is that I'm seeing "so-and-so has updated the project log…" entries for recently added project logs for which I never saw "so-and-so has added a new project log…" entries. For some, though, I do see the latter type of entry—I haven't noticed a pattern yet. The result is that if someone adds a project log without later updating it, I might not see it.
Also, other entry types may also be missing; I haven't noticed that, but the one I have noticed not appearing seems to be the easiest to notice the lack of.
[this comment has been deleted]
I signed up using twitter and when I went to add my email, I found that apparently I had registered previously using only my email. I deleted that account, but I still can't enter my email into my new account; it says "The email has already been taken, please try another one!" is there any way you can help me?
Just found out that the read more thingy is broken for pages. I tried to edit my latest but it didn't work.
and comments and replies on pages don't show in my feed. I hope I don't repeat myself, if so I'm sorry :D
I think there is a read more bug at the moment. It should be fixed in the next release. I'll put a ticket in about the comments and replies in the feed. Thanks!
I just had an idea for the search field, it would be great if one could predefine the search by something like 'tag: midi', 'project: r2-d2' or 'hacker: Aleksandar Bradic'. Could also be indicated by -t -p and -l for the console feeling.
And why not give the stack page a counter/update number like the feed or message board to draw some attention to it.
Like Google and reddit have? That would be nice. I think it's called Lucene syntax.
I was on the firepick web page, and tried to login and got a 403.
How did you manage to login in the end? If you go to the firepick page and try to login now, are you still getting the 403?
Not sure if my replies will show on your feeds because replies to my comments don't show on my feed, so I'm posting some thoughts for the # and @
"The list will disappear after the space, but pop-up again if you have the continued-spelling correct" - @ericwazhung - I can confirm this behavior on chrome(39.0.2171.95 64-bit)) on a mac book (10.8.5)
would be cool to have a search equivalent to "LIKE '%value%' " on mysql, where you can also type 'Salica' to reach 'Dr Salica'. I've searched for his project by '#' but it only works with numbers, not with words like 'trollmaster'.
While writing this comment, the hashtag got auto-completed twice with a project of mine, unattended - I may have done that by using the right-cursor.
I had some oddities with multiple-autocompletes, too... just have to be conscientious (and aware of what to expect) when using these things ;) Thanks for the confirmation! (Oh, and your at-at-me, @davedarko, did show up on my feed, did yours?)
@ericwazhung yes it did and I even got a mail. But since it is a reply it should have shown as a reply, too, which it didn't.
Another idea: it would be nice to have more than 5 lines in edit window, when writing private message. For me, it looks like this - a lot of empty space, with tiny window in the middle to write into.
I've feed this back to the developers. Thanks for highlighting it.
Today I noticed I can resize the PM reply window. Fantastic; thank you Jasmine and the team for listening to users ;-)
I just updated my project details for ramanPi and now the details are cut off WAY before my read more tag and where it always worked before... The whole thing was designed to be viewed in a contiguous line and now it just doesn't fit right... I know it is HUGE, but I'd really really like to have it cut off where I had it previously... Any chance of that being possible?
Hello fl@C@, I'm not sure why it's changed for you now. It should be cutting at just under 5k chars. That is a system wide restraint. The read more tag only works if you place it before the automatic cut off. If it's not behaving as it should, let me know and I raise a ticket. Cheers.
Not sure whether it's related, but my read-more tags all got messed-up one day. They worked fine one day, then the next my entire page got screwed-up, including sections I didn't edit. I tried to delete a couple and reinsert them, but no-go. Now they're just appearing as the text "---- more ----"
That's similar to what I am seeing.. in addition to it cutting off far before it has in the past... I also have a serious problem where I can edit text in one area and it deletes text in some random area ...typically the last place the cursor was if I click in another paragraph before editing.. I've accidentally deleted entire paragraphs without seeing until later because the text was 4 paragraphs below where I was typing...
@ and # fun:
A continuation of the @thing and #thing dilemma at #181. #MeArm - Pocket Sized Robot Arm 's givaway (at
erm... I've done a bit of experimenting, since... (EDIT)
It seems to work as-expected now... I had hours of fail, and now that seems fine and other things seem quirky. Maybe it's a browser-thing. The key-factor, at least with my setup, is that you have to *type* the whole thing, basically without interruption (don't change windows/tabs to verify your spelling, don't *paste* anything, or arrow-up/down/left/right, or even scroll the window? And if you use backspace, cross your fingers.) Yes, (now) spaces work in @'s. Note, also, that the list is short, so make sure you know the *full* spelling of the user-name, whether it has a space, a dot, or a dash, etc., and keep typing until the name pops up. The list will disappear after the space, but pop-up again if you have the continued-spelling correct. Yes, this ordeal leaves me feeling a bit foolish... OTOH, I was in friggin' IT for nearly a decade, coding for nearly two, and *this* eluded me...?
Not sure whether this is browser-specific; I'm using Iceweasel (Mozilla) 24.6.0 on Debian Wheezy x86 (which I figured to be the culprit in many other text-entry/editing oddities I've experienced setting up my project-pages, instructions, etc... *and right here*).
Hey ericwazhung. Thanks for the experimenting. I've passed on those details to dev, and hopefully we can iron out some of the kinks soon. Much appreciated!
I can confirm this behavior on chrome(39.0.2171.95 64-bit)) on a mac book (10.8.5) "The list will disappear after the space, but pop-up again if you have the continued-spelling correct" - would be cool to have a search equivalent to "LIKE '%value%' " on mysql, where anything but alphabet characters gets ignored.
Hey there, replies on comments on logs of projects I don't follow don't show on my feed.
Cheers davedarko. Can you link me to an example comment thread and I'll put in a ticket for it.
It was your reply to be exact :) I am now following the project. I just noticed that your respond here also didn't show and I'm following this. But I can see you responding to other comments in my feed.
Just an idea:
When editing a project log, for example, I add a picture into it, I can scale it down by dragging the picure corner. That's great and I use this feature a lot in order to not overwhelm the reader by huge images.
It could be nice to have possibility to enlarge the picture again (some small icon in corner), or have it "clickable" when viewing the project log. By now, I can click right and select "view image" (in firefox), but it is not quite obvious for evaryone. The pictures in project header are better in this aspect, as they are clickable, leading to full size image.
Hey jaromir.sukuba, thanks for the idea. When we improve the image handling, we'll work something out.
I use the Chrome extension Imagus, which provides a full-size image on hover. That could be a good workaround for you (and it works on lots of other sites too).
For some reason my account has disassociated my email, github and twitter and so it is starting a new account for each. I am wondering if I have lost my account. I am tlankford01. I am a hackaday prize quaterfinalist with the Solar Power Anti-poaching UAV. I was wanting to add documentation. Thank you
Hello tlankford01, unfortunately if you signed up with email, you have to login using that email and password. If you try to sign in with twitter or github, it will create a new account for each of those.
We're going to work out some kind of account merging, but for the time being, please sign in the way you signed up.
I finished up my EDC contest entry and tried to get a few page views to my project, but it doesn't seem that the page view counter is working. I put files for the project up on thingiverse this morning which link back to, but the project views has not increased in the past 2 weeks. My thingiverse thing has 427 views since this morning and I would assume that at least one person clicked through to Also I've gotten 2 skulls in the time period that I had no new page views.
EDC entry -
Thingiverse -
Hello Tim, we were trying out the pageviews feature, so at the moment it is manually updated intermittently. We hope to automate it soon.
imagine with me.... in the components section of a project build you have some script which automatically adds the prices of the components next to them. a total would be great too. i like to think you could get some revenue from dedicated suppliers for sending people their way. i know we all crave perfection but even as a rough price it'd be handy and probably an incentive for people to start a build. i just got all spastic for peter jansens tricorder, i would love one/a kit and in my mind something which helped a brother out in the planning department would be the push i needed to start getting excited.
We like the way you think. Keep sending us your ideas.
Would other people be up for a component pricing feature on
I'd like it, even if it's just an estimate. Project creators would have to be able to fix pricing errors, though, maybe with just a manual price field that overrides the estimate.
How do I add many images in my project log or instructions section...
I have a lot of images and currently I have to upload one by one... so it is a very painfully slow process.
Am I missing something..?
Hello Zaid, no you are not missing anything. Apart from the 6 images you can put up when you create/edit your project, we don't have a gallery feature at the moment. Sorry about that. It's definately something we'd like to improve in the future.
oh man, am not asking for a gallery, just a feature where I can select many pics at the same time from the file upload dialog and the images just come on the post one by one...I have many pics of my tiny bot line follower project but I am very lazy to upload each separately...
- but maybe I will have to for now... :(
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Not sure about the other users, but I'd like to have one account for both Hackaday projects and blog site. For commenting something at blog, I have to sign up with my old wordpress account, which I use only for this purpose. Having single account for both would be nice.