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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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I think I accidentally reported my own project. :) Perhaps there should be an undo button instead of "You already reported this project. We are looking into it."
[this comment has been deleted]
Caution: Contains explicit imagery of rendered gear trains and graphic descriptions of string trimmer line. #FilaMecanum
Oops yeah, these are usually manually checked, it shouldn't be a problem
How do you show some love when someone post a log for their project?
add a comment on the bottom of the log saying exactly what you would like to tell the author: like the log changed your life, etc :-)
even a "nice!" or "thanks" would probably do the trick.
can I link my account that I have created using e-mail and password with my github account afterwards so I can use it for logging in? If not: this would be a nice feature :-)
Hey sorry didn't get back to you sooner, I'll check to see if this is currently possible and if not I agree it would be nice.
I've got a suggestion for project status tags, kinda like the "completed / shelved / researching project" tags.
A similar one denoting how receptive to feedback the project creator is.
-Some people are trying to recruit people to the project team
- Some people really want feedback / suggestions / advice on how to move forward (but don't want people on their team)
- Some people (I'm usually in this category) are happy to read comments / suggestion / advice / smacktalk on their projects, but are unlikely to follow any of it, preferring to forge ahead on their own path
- Some people are documenting their own thing and are actively not wanting suggestions
Part of this comes from seeing some people get annoyed when people post suggestions on a project because it gets interpreted as a "you're not doing this correctly" comment. Different people are different in how they interpret comments, and this can also change based on projects. All strategies are totally okay! But it would be nice to be able to signal this to readers somehow.
"How receptive to feedback on this project are you?" might be a bad tag header though, I am not a writer. If only you guys had some people that were good with words ;)
Why not just discuss your preferences as part of the writeup? I know when I specifically ask a question, often "does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?", I get much more interaction, and almost always something helpful and/or interesting. I'm sure if I instead said "I'm documenting this mysterious thing, but I really want to figure this out on my own, so no spoilers, please!", people would get the message.
This is more likely to get seen/respected than a tag. I have set the "completed/shelved/etc" tags on some of my own projects, but don't think I've ever paid attention to them on anyone elses.
This could go into a "how to do a project on" page somewhere, which I don't think exists. It sounds like a job for user-generated content, like #I Want To Be A Hacker
Oh, wait, maybe you weren't asking for suggestions :P
Hah, this was partly inspired by this extremely responsible disclaimer:
But that's it, people make their projects, and don't verbalise what they expect out of their interactions with others. This isn't for me so much, I can handle comments and outright say when I need help with certain portions :)
But have you never seen people get frustrated with comments telling them other ways to do stuff? I totally have. For them, it feels like those comments are telling them they did it wrong.
@Jarrett I have absolutely seen this, and I get it. I guess what I'm driving at is maybe a user-education effort about how to communicate your feedback preferences to readers would be most effective, since the spectrum of what project creators expect is so wide. It also may vary within a project - like you might want to forge ahead on your own for a while, then want some input later.
Yeah, that disclaimer is exactly the kind expectation-setting that might help.
Can we get the option to select images already in our gallery when adding an image to a project log entry? I have been shown that you can view HTML and copy the image link, but it would be really nice if this was made simpler. For example, adding "Gallery" to the "Upload" and "Link" options in the image tool would make reusing images a lot easier. 8^)
Hey! I assume you can also leave problems here. See here: Here's the crux of the issue:
There’s no longer an option to “log in with WordPress” on post comments, and the session I had before (which allowed me to comment without entering name/email all over again) evidently got interrupted. Not just on the linked post, all the posts on HaD blog. Other WP blogs don’t have this problem (just checked). Oh, also, the usual “WP blog” bar on the top disappeared, used to be there as far as I remember it, would show me notifications and stuff. Maybe HaD deleted one too many lines of Javascript when de-WP-ifying the .com site?
Hiya, I saw your comment about this on article. I have a ticket open with our hosting service to get this figured out. Sorry for the disruption with this.
Need to stop auto-scrolling when user scrolls up even a tiny bit. Alternatively, have an on/off checkbox or switch for auto-scrolling.
Though the workflow there could be exhausting, turn off the switch, scroll up, read, turn on the switch, repeat each time a message gets away from you.
Hello! Scrolling in the Hack Chat can be horrible. You are aggressively snapped to the bottom whenever you wish to scroll up, provided that a few of the bottom messages are still visible. I've not found the code for this to demonstrate so this is observation. If the bottom few messages are visible you will be scrolled to the bottom; worse so is that if the bottom few messages are videos or images with a large horizontal footprint. You cannot scroll past them fast enough to not be snapped to the bottom again. Please fix. You already have the jump to bottom orange button that pops up when you're away from the messages, please consider using this to enable an "Auto scroll" state, and any manual user scroll should turn off auto-scroll. You may also enable auto scroll if the user scrolls back to the latest messages manually.
Unless there was some bug that was fixed that I'm not understanding, the current autoscroll makes it very difficult to read previous messages when the chat is moving quickly, such as every Wednesday at 12
As of right now, after a page refresh, the chat is working GREAT! Thanks heaps to whoever put this together so quickly.
Bonjour! Nous sommes étudiants et nous allons faire son travail, nous voulons savoir comment se conecte le MPR aux touches du piano, s´il vous plaît.
Here, I'll give it a go with my rusty French: Greetings! We are students and we will do his/her (our? notre?)...
I submit project to hackaday 2019; click "terms and conditions". 404. Hmm....
Thanks we will update the link. In the meantime the same rules are at the bottom of
Could you give us an option to switch the site’s background from Black with White font to White with Black font, please!
My eyesight blurry after reading an article and even worse when I switch to another webpage with white background. I admire the site design very much but it kept me from spending time in HACKADAY. Not much help either with light filtering extension in my browser. I have to copy and paste the article in elsewhere to read.
"Daymode", as opposed to the "nightmode" of other sites (e.g. Reddit).
It would be amazing to see Lua syntax highlighting implemented. Also, the syntax highlighting for many languages is a bit buggy, and will often stop working halfway through a file, leaving a slightly odd-looking code snippet. C and Ruby seem to be especially prone to this.
I again bring up the idea of replacing the editor with a pre-existing text editor for websites. There are many to choose from which are open source, actively developed, with tons of great features. Quill ( is the first one to come to mind, but there are many more. There are many of us spending many, many hours in the text editor, and the bugs get really frustrating! I know it's a lot of work developing this site, and I think is a wonderful, amazing space for sharing projects! This has just been the one thorn in my side in using it.
Thanks, the current editor was/is a pre-existing rich text editor but I wouldn't say it's today's current favorite. They are still looking at other editors, and just want to make sure to get it right.
The editor automatically adding links doesn't always work properly. For example, when I type in a filename like it often gets converted into a link. Perhaps it should look for the http:// or https://? Or, just let the user insert links manually!
I've disabled email notification for 'I have a new follower', but I'm still getting them. Maybe a site bug?
Can we disable 'join requests' for a project? People (?) keep requesting joins to my project, but most of them just wants to ask a question and I think some are spam accounts. People can already message me or comment in project page. I never had someone actually wanting to contribute, send a join request. It's getting annoying. Maybe something should be redesigned. Maybe people think that to be able to comment or send a message they have to join to project, similar to facebook pages. Also looking at a request message I don't know what powers would I give the requester if I clicked 'yes'.
For me I'm not interested in contributions via the page. I'm happy to accept pull requests by the way! I would love to have an option to disable this feature.
Hi @Hasan Yavuz Özderya - If someone wants to join your project and you accept, then that person becomes a project contributor which means that he can edit project details, adding files, project logs, and building instructions. That is very important feature since this is world's largest collaborative hardware development community. When you get someone's request to join you can first chat with that person to find out his skills and then decide if he is the right one for your project.
I just came here to suggest the same thing and saw this. I agree, it's an important option -- but it would be MUCH better if there was an option to either disable it, or make it so they have to actually include some info in the message. I get so many random requests, and the people either never respond or they just use the default message. I have yet to see a single instance of it actually finding people willing to contribute.
Personally, if I wanted to join a project's team, I would first message the owner, explaining my expertise and how I think I could help. If they wanted to have collaborators, then they could add me.
If it could be controlled by the project owner only, ie you can invite people to the team once they message/comment about it, that would be great. It's a great feature in theory, but in practice not so much.
@Alexander I have never had anyone requesting to join a project actually contribute. And I have accepted some. The only ones I've ever given a second glance to though, are those who actually bothered to modify the default join page.
So, I like some of that idea. There is a simple way to implement requiring something custom from the potential contributor also. Default to no text in the join request, and then require they actually type something.
The ability to turn it off altogether, perhaps tied to the 'project state' would be nice. The ability to join projects which are 'Completed' or 'Abandoned' should probably not be a thing.
That could actually be the crux of it, combined with @Jarrett 's request above to disable much of the same thing here. Just adding additional project states could be a solution here.
Projects which are Completed or Abandoned do not allow joins. Then perhaps a project state for 'Seeking Contributors', or 'Thanks, but no thanks' type scenarios.
Projects where users are actively looking for contributors should then be a searchable item as well. Get enough people together on a similar idea with slightly different goals, and you'll end up with something like X windows... *duck*
In small groups it could be good..
+1: An option to disable this button on projects would be great. I love discussion and feedback using comments and messaging, but I would only ever give contributor/editor access to a trusted person who I've already agreed to work with.
I'd like to make a case for removing the project lists. They seem like a great feature, and I was very enthusiastic about them initially. Later, I realized that they are pretty much unusable and dismissed them. But now I'm convinced that they are actually harmful, and they make new users miss a lot of content.
I met another person who thought that there are practically no new projects on, because they were only watching the official lists, which are almost never updated with new projects.
There has to be a better way of adding a project to a list, than messaging the list's curator.
Take lists like or — I'm pretty sure there are more than 3 projects in those categories each.
Yeah I can see how this could be misunderstood as a 'category' and not a curated list or favorites.
Not really sure about a solution for the lists confusion, but we are developing some ideas to help people find/follow projects in addition to watching lists or general project search.
I'm proposing an "add project to another person's list" feature. There's a "Phones" list that one person made, that I'd like to put about 50 projects in - currently, it only has one (mine, for some reason), but there's plenty of phone projects on HaD. I've messaged them with all those projects, their job is to click "add", but they seem to have left the site.
I'm proposing this system - have people be able to submit stuff to lists, for a start, those submissions have to be verified by the list creator in order to appear in the list. After some successful submissions (or a whitelist), a person could be enabled to submit items to anyone's list and have them appear in the list instantly (with the ability for the author to moderate the entry after-the-fact). Kind of like a "trusted adder" thing - current workflow involves sending DMs to list owners, which is not a viable solution for people that would like to get involved (like me).
In my entire history on this site, the request to join project feature has netted me a total of one actual contributor who seemed like a good fit and was added. He never contributed.
I'd like to suggest a radical departure. How about curated lists that are automatically constructed from tags applied to projects. I think you would have to add a storage element to remove projects which don't actually fit, AKA they abused the tag system.
Feel free to tell me why the latter won't work. The former was just an observation.
Update/Upload problem in the Files section.
Hi, I've re-uploaded a new file (.pdf) in the Files section with the same name of the previous version, but when I reload it from the Files section I see the previous version instead. Of course I've cleared my browser cache (Firefox)...
The re-upload prompt should be overwriting the file if you allow it. I'll start a request to get it fixed if it isn't.
I've re-checked now. It doesn't works. Also if I delete-publish-upload-publish it shows the previous file. May be that a sort of load balancer is targeting not in-sync instances....
I just signed up today, added a project, it's public but doesn't show up on the 'newest' list... or anywhere. Did I do something weird?
Hi Calvin! New projects don't show up on the "newest" list immediately. We implemented this rule as protection from spammers, so you just have to be more patient. Your project is visible now. We're glad you're here...
Oh, I didn't see that mentioned anywhere? Don't know if that's something you want to inform people of or not, but it might avoid confusion if there was a comment about this by the submit button. Thanks for the reply :)
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Markdown support would be so great, with automatic image upload like in GitHub issues!
With a simple mean to get the raw markdown (maybe append something to the URL) so we can get is easily on a personal website or backup ;)